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Before knew about this business she had the best parents ever, the best life ever and the best girlfriend, absolutely everything that she wanted, expensive or not she would had it....but was everything a big lie?

Her own thoughts get cut off by the operator "Passengers, we are about to land at the Newark Airport in New York city"

Lisa sighs "We are about to live the most wonderful adventure Lisa!" I show my best smile because I know that Rose is waiting for me, that makes me happy!


Once Lisa lands in New York

The first thing that she finds on her way in is Momo, indeed 'this woman is so beautiful' Lisa thought
"Hey handsome, we find each other once again Lisa haha...I thought you wouldn't come down from that plane, I've been waiting for you!"

Lisa smiles looking at this cute yet sexy Momo, then she starts talking in English...Lisa learned it while her constant travels 'vacations' to Britain well mostly to learn business with her father "Haven't you heard that 'Better later than never' haha now miss Momo would you mind in telling me about the job that Chaeng offered you?"

Momo narrows her eyes then starts talk in English too "So you knew how to talk English, sexy, is sexy your strong accent...pretty sure it will make many girls fall for you here in New York..."Lisa laughs loudly "But who is Chaeng?"
Lisa blushes because she called Rose by the cute nickname that she put the latter when they were young teenagers "Ah, I mean Rosie, Rose....she, she didn't want to tell me anything about our future job but told me that it'll make me rich in less than 6 months"

Momo smirks seeing how innocent and clueless Lisa looks right now "Really she didn't tell you?"
Lisa shook her head looking at Momo while they are walking inside the airport
Momo was about to say something when suddenly they listen someone screaming Lisa's name like a crazy fan "LISA!!! LISAAAAAAA, HERE!!!!"

Lisa notices it too and turns her sight looking her surroundings where are people hugging their families, Lisa blushes madly when looks directly to a tall blonde woman like her, jumping with a large sign with Lisa's name in big and capital letters and Momo's name in the bottom in little capital letters

Lisa walks fast to hug Rose but gets surprised when the blonde jumps on her arms, enveloping her body with her arms around her neck and legs around Lisa's torso "Lisaaaaaa, oh gosh I missed you so much!!!"

Lisa closes her eyes breathing Rose's scent "Chaen-gye" To be into Rose's arms bring Lisa old memories, it's like to be at home once more and it makes her heart flutter crazily
Rose giggles "Nobody has ever called me like that again, it's been more than 5 years since I ever heard that and I'm still your Chaengie?" Rose moves a little to look at Lisa's mesmerizing face

Lisa smiles noticing that Rose has never lost those beautiful brown-like-honey eyes, those eyes that are darting between her lips and eyes "Indeed you look like a hot model, you has had changed my Lili and I missed you, can... can I ki-kiss you!?"
Lisa eyes get wide open, she is frozen in the spot...when did Rose become so direct?

An awkward Momo is looking at them while rolling her eyes "YAAH! Guys....Do y'all know I am still here!? And Hi to you too Rose!"
Rose unwraps her legs and arms from Lisa and comes to hug Momo "I'm sorry my friend, it's so nice to see you both..." Rose look at them both but looks at Lisa with love in her eyes...yes she remembers those escapes with Lisa to the backyard of her house to kiss each other "Oh please let me help you to bring those things to my car!"

14.XxxLisaXxx [UNFINISHED/CLOSED]Where stories live. Discover now