Chapter Two.

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I know this isn't very good, but it'll get better.

This chapter is boring but, you meet someone new. (;

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Chapter Two...

Holland was in her room. Staring at the same ceiling, in the same room for what seems like the millionth time.

"I hate it here." she mumbled to herself.

She has been laying on her bed since she got there. Her stuff, still in its suitcase. She hasn't left her room but, she'll have to soon to use the bathroom. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

"This time will be different. I won't open up. My walls will not come down." Holland promised herself as she repeated the sentence, over and over again.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

She jumped. It's been so quiet and the knocks on the door disrupted her peace. She moaned. Holland planted her feet on the ground, rolling off of her bed. She dragged herself to the door and swung it open. It was Sarah.

Sarah was the 'counselor' or in other words the principle of the group home. She had a big cheesy smile on her face. Fake, none the less. Holland sighed and raised an eyebrow.

" Holland, I know that you are probably upset, but I honestly think you need to come out of your room and socialize. Mingle with the others. Make friends?" Sarah stated as she reached her hand out to touch Holland's arm.

" I'd really rather not. I don't want to make friends when I know that I am probably going to be put in a foster home, ripped away from any friends that I make here and when I'm at my new foster home and I have made friends there, be ripped away and brought back to this hell hole!" Her tone increased in anger and as she finished she slammed the door in Sarah's face. If it was up to her, she'd stay in her room by herself, until she dies.

She walked back to her bed, pulled back the covers and curled up into the fetal position. Holland started to cry. Her tears soaked her pillow. She fell asleep..

Holland woke up and kicked the covers off her body. She walked over to her dresser and stared at herself. Her hair was a mess. It was snarled and tangled and sticking up everywhere. Her eye make up was smudged down her cheeks leaving her eyes puffy and bloodshot. She needed an upper. After she brushed her hair, she picked up her suitcase and opened it. She took out her belongings that consisted of a shirts, bras, jeans, and underwear.

In the bottom right hand corner, you could tell the suitcase was ripping. She took her hand and rubbed it against the torn edge. She found what she was looking for. She wrapped her fingers around the material and pulled. The fabric ripped, revealing a hole. She stuck her finger in and felt around for the corner of the baggie. Gotcha. She pulled at the corner of the baggie until it was free. She lifted it up and took a look. An assortment of pills, all different sizes, shapes and colors. Holland needed an upper.

She opened the zip-lock baggie and took out a small blue pill. She closed the bag and shoved it back into the hidden area of her suitcase. She stood up, walked to her door and took a look around the room making sure everything was where it should be. She turned the knob and peeked down the hall. Warm air hit her face immediately. She took a deep breath. She could smell brownies and hear someone laughing at the end of the hallway. That laugh, she was drawn to it. She needed to know who it was coming from. She walked down the hallway, her feet losing the dragging sensation that they seemed to have had for days. She entered the living room and stopped. She looked around. No one was here. The laughing had stopped. She sighed.

Holland kept walking. The little blue pill still in her hand. She made her way across the the living room and into the kitchen. The floor made no noise as each step brought her closer to the refrigerator. She wanted Coke. She popped the pill in her mouth and took a drink. She closed her eyes as she felt it slid down the back of her throat.

She opened her eyes and as they focused she noticed a figure in the corner of the kitchen. It was a girl and she was staring at her. The girl cracked a smirk. She was sitting comfortably on the kitchen chair, her feet resting on the kitchen table. She was new. Hollands eyes traveled from the girls face, down her torso and finally down to her feet. The girl chuckled and Holland realized she was staring.

" Hey. Names Tessie."

Its her...

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