Ch. II

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New Life


Several Years Later

"Another day...another cupcake," Chloe mumbled to herself as she set the tray of salted caramel cupcakes for display for the customer. "...these are going to go fast in a jiffy."

"That's what I like to here." Chloe heard her mother said while wiping her washed hands with a paper towel. "You know it's about to be summer and its busy around this time."

Chloe snickers, "Just to have a taste of my mother's baked goods." She says taking a seat on a nearby stool.

"Our baked goods, darling. You've helped me with creating my best treats and that has brought in a lot of profit."

"I must get it from grandma." She shrugs with a sad smile just thinking about how it been almost five years since visiting her grandparents.

Lisa sensed her daughter's discomfort as she went to touch her shoulder, "You has been five years since you've been to Fairsborro and they've asked about you."

Chloe swallowed the small lump down her throat before sighing, "I know and as much as I want to go...I can't," She fondled with a loose string on her apron. "They should understand."

"Is it because of him." Lisa hinted as Chloe stood to her feet. "Okay, I won't bring it up anymore. Now come to the back so you can help me bake these cookies."

That was one thing that took Chloe's mind off past events was when she got to bake with her mom, in her bakery shop. Lisa Clark-Stewart owned The Land of Sweets bakery shop in the town of Portland, Oregon, where she sold almost every single piece of baked goods you could imagine.

Beginning with cakes, cupcakes, cookies, and pies, she also specialized in making confectionary candies and gelato. The bonus of owning the bakery shop was that she even catered with her creations. Her passion for owning her bakery shop came from her grandmother who owned her candy shop just right outside her home where she sold snacks for the kids.

"Mom, do you think grandma and grandpa are visiting for the summer?" Chloe asked as she beginning scooping bite-size balls of cookie dough to place them on the cookie sheet.

Lisa quickly caught on as she begins piping her vanilla cupcakes with lemon buttercream, "Funny, that you mention that because you use to go every summer."

Chloe quickly looks up, "I know but they've come for the holidays...there's nothing wrong with the summer with them coming."

"Because that's your time to go visit them...and you know that." Lisa gave her daughter a certain look as Chloe was scared to look. "...but I'll ask them later on tonight, Just know that your grandpa can't drive that long because of his arthritis."

Chloe sighed quietly as she finished filling the tray with cookie dough balls. She took each tray carefully to placed them in the oven and went to help her mother iced cupcakes.

This was their everyday life as mom and daughter living in their own homes and working as bakers. Chloe didn't mind working with her mother since she could make a little money on the side. Yes, she did go to school, community college preferably, to earn her associate's degree in interior design. For example, she designed the layout for her mother's bakery shop and eventually begin meeting clients.

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