+Chapter Three+

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Nezu smiles at your curiosity, genuinely hoping that UA will help you mentally and physically.

After another hour of piddling around, a knock sounds on your door.

You open it and cock your head at the sight of a tall, shaggy man holding a sleeping bag.

"Uh, which one are you, Vlad King or Eraser Head?"


"That wasn't an option."

He raises an eyebrow and smirks.

"You do know I'm in charge right?"

"I never said you weren't."

He scoffs lightly and turns.

"Eraser Head. Follow me."

You close your door behind you and follow the hero.

"I was informed of your perspective on heroes and frankly, I don't care. Don't use that as an excuse here."

As much as you wanted to yell at him for talking to you like that, you just scowled.

"You will soon learn to treat us with respect. We didn't have to take you in. We don't have to pay for your utilities, food or tuition."

"I won't treat you with respect until I get some."

The man stops walking, turning to face you.

"Then it's a deal."

You two finish walking down to the main lobby area. A tall silver haired man was sitting on the couch watching TV.

"Is that Vlad King?"

Aizawa nods.

"Oh, hey! You must be L/n."

You nod.

"Not a talker, I see."

He chuckles and stands, walking over.

"I'm Vlad King but since you have to be around me so much you can call me Kan. I'm the homeroom teacher for Class 1-B."

You bow.

"Did you tell her the rules?"

Aizawa shakes his head and they both lead you to a table with four chairs.

"Rules are boring so I'll make it quick."

You nod at the dark haired male.

"Don't touch the lobby thermostat. Wash you own dishes. Wash your own clothes. Don't invite people over without telling us. And don't blast music past 10pm."

You nod, accepting the simple rules.

"Well, leave it to Eraser to keep things short and simple."

Kan chuckles, hoping to get a laugh out of either of you.

It didn't work.

"Your uniform should have been on your bed."

"It was."

Aizawa nods.

"We're done here then. You're free to go back to your room if you want."

He stands, walking down a small hallway to what you assume is his room.

"I'm going to go shower, hope you've enjoyed you stay so far!"

Kan stands and goes upstairs.

'Okay so Aizawa's room is the bottom floor and Kan's is the third.'

You hobble up the stairs, collapsing onto your bed.

"Ugh, first day and I'm already being lectured."

The next morning you get up and get dressed, walking in behind Aizawa.

"Morning L/n."


The man kept walking, entering the teacher's lounge. You continue to walk down the hall, already knowing where the room was.


You stop, spinning around to see Nezu.

"Good morning! Do you like you dorm?"

"Yeah, the bed is comfy."

The mouse chuckles and gestures for you to come into his office.

"I have some semi-bad news."


Nezu smiles gently.

"Your quirk is considered classified information at the moment. So when you go into class, unfortunately you cannot tell anyone your quirk."

You weren't surprised.

Not after what happened.

"But I also have good news! Midnight and Present Mic have volunteered to take you shopping for clothing and dormitory needs after school today!"

You internally groan but nod.

"Well, I'll  see you later! Don't be late for class!"

You nod once more and walk out, finished your short journey to class.

You open the door and everyone goes silent.


None of them move, confused as to who you are and what you're doing.

"Are you in the right class?"


"Uh, well then. I'm Mina Ashido! Glad to have you!"

"Yeah sure."

You sit in the only open seat and sing praises when Aizawa walks in.

"I'm sure you've all pestered L/n. She will be joining us for the rest of the school year. Today's lesson will be boring so pull out some paper and a pencil."

You grab the supplies from the backpack that Aizawa sat outside your door this morning.

After the long boring class, Aizawa leaves at the bell.

Everyone turns to you.


Multiple students came over.

They all started talking at once.

"Hey, shut up."

Nobody listened.

"Shut the fuck up!"

Yeah, they heard you that time.

"My name is L/n, my previous residence, middle school and quirk are all classified information. There, now you can leave me alone."

Some of them made guilty faces, some made hurt faces and some didn't give two shits.

Let's just say the school day was long.

I don't know why I'm making reader-chan as asshole but I love her anyway uwu

lost (hitoshi shinso x reader)((DISCONTINUED))Where stories live. Discover now