Authors Note, story time, and chapter

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I'll do the chapter first cause I don't wanna bore you with the story or authors note, I also don't want you to have to read it if you don't wanna or accidentally skip over the actual chapter. The authors note mentions Keira and what happened, and it's very twisted.

A/N- Chapter was recommended by a frequent commenter. By the way, to ALL my frequent commenters I love you guys. Your comments really cheer me up. I just went on a huge reply stream and replied to EVERY comment, even ones from a long time ago. I'd also like to say Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. If you don't celebrate Christmas then Happy Holidays, and I'll do a Holiday special for each seasonal holiday I know about as a thank you for the views and for fun

Chapter: nudes (did I sign up for this? Yeah yeah I did.)


He's super shy and doesn't do anything scandalous. The worst picture he's sent you was either a picture of him shirtless before he was going to train, or a picture of him just out of the shower, but he was wearing a tanktop. And he wasn't trying to be hot or anything. You asked what he was doing and that's what he sent. Of course he was smiling widely. They were adorable pictures really.


For someone so cocky, he really doesn't send pictures of it (I'm sorry the original one I came up with for him was just so sweet but then I thought of this and had to do it) original one- he's super insecure, so he only sent one pic and after you had to reassure his nerves that it was all okay and he was hot and shit like that.


He's more asking you, but he send his fair share 🙄

Sero (why the FUCK did his name autocorrect to DEEP?!! WTF?)

He sends them, but they're like... cursed nudes  just... hella chaotic.

Mineta: block him..... please block him....

Iida: "ThAt Is UnNecessAry and INAPpropRIate  BeHaviOr and I wIlL NeVEr TaKE pLacE in It!"

Aizawa: oh god... f-fucking... I'm wheezing but like, all I can imagine is either:

A: shirtless picture

B: a picture of him in his sleeping bag that just says something like "other then this I'm wearing no clothes" and THATS your time to act if you wanna get some  

Present mic: 

He doesn't do nudes but he once announced that he was gonna do stuff with you on his radio show. God. Talk about embarrassing for everyone 

All Might:

I'm not doing it. I'm not. All Might is a fiction character and yet he's a better father figure to me then my actual dad. For fucks sake he doesn't even talk to me cause he's fictional! I CANNOT write stuff about NUDES and my father figure, even if my father figure is a fictional superhero. Still better then my real dad.

Story time/authors note: Kiera- (also mentioning now, her name is no longer Kiera, she changed it to something else, so I used Kiera because it's not her real name anymore. She changed it before all this happen, a little after I met her)

So, I mentioned in my art chapter that Kiera and I were friends. Idk what else I said, but here's the FULL STORY of what happened with the whole situation and everything. It's very twisted and if you have triggers I don't really recommend reading this, but I wanna rant and get it off my chest without someone saying 'I know it happened to me too.' And all that stuff.

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