chapter 17

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Jane tried to suppress a groan at the sudden assault from the light from the hall hitting her in the face, or the fact that the initial thump that had woke her had been a picture frame falling from her dresser.

"Kat? What time is it?" She asked, sitting up although trying to shield her eyes as she felt for the lamp that she kept beside her bed. 

"Sorry," then room once again dimmed "it's almost four…. I couldn't sleep and I just thought…" 

With her sight not overwhelmed by the sudden change nor the now dimly lit light, Jane saw that the girl had brought a blanket and a pillow with her and that she looked ready to bolt out of the room if Jane even began to say something she thought of as a threat.

"Then come on, some of us don't have the leisure to sleep in every weekend." 

Jane couldn't help but chuckle when the girl quickly made her way over to the bed, making herself comfortable beside her.

"You have to work today?" Katherine asked, earning a chuckle

"More like my room is a mess and I was too tired yesterday to deal with it. Someone gave their kid too much sugar and….ugh." 

That officially got a laugh out of the teenager.

"Maybe I could come to help? I know technically I'm not allowed out of the house but I don't think volunteer work counts."  

If it was anyone else, Jane perhaps would have assumed that she was just trying to get out of trouble for a day, but this was Katherine and she always offered to help if she thought that Jane needed it.

"I think I can handle it. You're going to be dead on your feet if I get you up in a few hours and I'd much prefer that I didn't have to deal with a grumpy teenager all day." Jane retorted lightly, leaning down to press a kiss against the girl's forehead before adding:

"thanks for the offer though but I'm sure Aragon could use your help since she's also watching Lizzie for Anne today." 

Jane tried not to laugh when Katherine made a sound that seemed like a mix of a whine and a groan.

"If I have to listen to Mary and Elizabeth argue all day then could someone just shoot me?" 

The teen grumbled, nuzzling against Jane's side.

Jane couldn't help but chuckle at that particular comment.

"Oh, surely they aren't that bad?"

She retorted, earning a huff.

"They argued over pancakes the last time. Aragon had to basically threat to make them eat liver instead if they didn't just be quiet and eat." 

Jane could imagine that, especially since she knew how strong-willed both the girl's mothers were.

"Well, one is five and the other seven...Pretty sure that's normal." She snickered before adding "won't be long until Edward is that age. Are you going to avoid him too?" 

Katherine mumbled something but didn't look up, letting silence fall over them for a few moments before she spoke again—just as Jane was dozing off.


The blonde barely managed a hum in response

"You said you loved me earlier...Well...I love you too." 

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