Tag by Ajemimawright

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I got tagged by ajemimawright and like them, I have no idea how to do it so I'm just doing it like normal.

1. Thing I can not leave the house without

A- A book, doesn't matter which one

2. Favorite brand of makeup

A- Don't wear makeup

3. Favorite flower

A- Any color of rose

4. Favorite clothing store

A- Amazon or none. I hate clothes shopping.

5. Favorite perfume

A- I don't have one

6. Heels or flats

A- I would normally choose flats but my siblings are catching up to me in height so heels

7. Do you have good grades?

A- Yes, of course

8. Favorite color?

A- Blue or Green

9. Do you drink energy drinks

A- No

10. Do you drink juice

A- Yes!

11. Do you like swimming?

A- Love it!

12. Do you eat fries with a fork?

A- No! Weird!

13. What's your favorite moisturizer?

A- I'm so confused.

14. Do you want to get married

A- Eventually yes

15. Do you get mad easily

A- Depends where I am and who I'm mad at.

16. Are you into ghost hunting

A- No?

17. Any phobias

A- Snakes

18. Do you bite your nails

A- When I'm nervous or anxious

19. Have you ever had a near-death experience

A- Not that I can recall

20. Do you drink coffee

A- No





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