My Secret Diary

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July 18, 2014

Dear diary,
I'm Amanda Rene Williamson. I have 3 older siblings and 3 younger siblings. My mom is also going to have another baby. Anyways my siblings are Anthony 18, April17, Andrew15, Amanda (me)14, Alexander11, Alexis11, Allison3 and baby Abe or Alyssa . I am a wallflower I guess. That's what people keep telling me at school. Yesterday I raised my hand to answer a question and Alex Sanders "coughed" "shut up wallflower" and "you're an idiot Williamson". It got worst from there. In the hall Alex and his girlfriend Bri completely invaded me. Alex got in my locker ,and Bri came and called me names took my books and through them on the ground. She messed up my hair and told me I was ugly and stupid. The worst part was Anthony and April were around and didn't help me. I don't understand why they mess with me instead of Alice Carmen who is weird. They shouldn't even mess with her. Well I'm going to bed now.


July 20,2014
Dear diary,
Hey it's me Amanda sorry I haven't wrote in 2 days. I talked to my brother and sister about what happened and they shooed me away. I forgott I have to go watch Allison. Wish me luck!
Well I'm back Allison is crazier than ever.l don't know how I lived. She loves to run and hide. I am suppose to potty train her. All she does is run ,hide ,and eat. She screams and yells at everyone except me so I have to watch her. Well I need some sleep.


July 21,2014
Dear diary,
Today I went to grandmas house. She always has homemade peanut butter cookies. Some how they are always warm and gooy. Alex says she keeps them in her shoes but I doubt it. Grandma has 3 cats midnight, tabitha, and tigris. All named after the type of cat they are. Midnight is a black cat, Tabitha is a tabby cat, and Tigris is a tiger cat. I love grandmas house because every time we go there she lets us play in the back yard and drink ice cold lemonade. Then she always makes dinner. It's all hot, homemade, scrumptious and enough to fill our stomach. Tonight is movie night I wait for this night every month. Tonight was my turn to pick what movie to watch. I chose 27 dresses. We only own 8 movies 2 of which I'm not allowed to watch and another 2 I would never wish to watch. So I only had 4 movies to choose from. My mom fell asleep on the couch, Allison went to bed before we put the movie in, the twins went to bed half way through, Anthony and April stay up past 11 every night dad went to bed right before the movie ended and then I came to write as soon as the acknowledgments ended. I should really get to bed.


July 23,2014
Dear diary,
Eeekkk! So excited! My mom had twins so we have Abe and Alyssa. Now for the not so exciting news. Today at school April ganged up with Bri and Alex. Alex invaded my locker again April pulled my hair and Bri told me I was ugly and worthless. When I got home April tried to apologize when Anthony came in and screamed at her for encouraging Alex and Bri and at me for not standing up to them. I ran into my room and locked the door. Mom came and demanded me to open the door "I can't take it, I can't take it anymore mom." I stopped, I sat down , and thought and thought and thought. I need to sleep right now I'll write about it later.


Hi hope you liked it. This story comes from the heart. Amanda is having trouble at home and school the only place she feels good is at grandmas. So once again hope you liked and keep reading

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