Secret Changes

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July 25,2014
Dear diary,
Mom must have yelled at Anthony and April because they are standing up for me. Today Bri had Alex pick me up over his shoulder and carry me to the girls restroom. Bri went to dunk my head in the toilet when April showed up. April smacked Bri and almost knocked her out I would of laughed if I didn't know better. Then here comes Anthony he makes Alex put me down ad then took him out of the girls restroom. I think they both got suspended for being in the girls bathroom. April got detention for hitting Bri and Bri got suspended as well as Alex. Alex got double suspension for bullying and being in the girls restroom. I can still here mom yelling at Anthony and April while the twins watch the twins and I watch Allison. Andrew is out with his friends like always. Mom told me to go to bed.


July 26,2014
Dear diary,
I feel alive. My life has turned around. I joined glee club and made like 8 new friends. I also joined the school newspaper and the debate team. Today I got straight A's on my report card. Maybe mom will let us go to grandmas tonight for dinner. Let me go ask. Alright mom said yes I forgott grandma hasn't seen the twins.


July 28,2014
Dear diary,
I have a new best friend, Lindy. She has brown hair and always wears her hair in braids. She has really pretty brown eyes. Lindy sticks up for me and is coming over tonight. Lindy and I are going to Ginger's Pizzeria (owned by her aunt ginger). We are in glee club, the school newspaper and the debate team together. Well Lindy just showed up got to go. Wish me luck. Ok I'm back that was so much fun. Lindy and I went bowling right after pizza and well you can see where that would go. I hurrled then she slipped and sprained her ankle. My vomit got in her hair and all over her clothes. Yuck! All in all I had a great time.


July 29,2014
Dear diary it's my BIRTHDAY!!!!! Wow I had to get that out. Anyways my mom, dad, twins,ally , ect. We're all going to the mall this after noon. I get to pick out 2-4 things I want. After that we are going to grandmas for dinner and Aunt Rachell and Uncle BoB will be there. My cousins Ashley and Aron are coming I guess. I will get presents and good food and DESERT!!! I need to stop because I'm making myself dizzy. Mom and Dad are taking me to breakfast just like every year. So gotta go I'll write about my birthday tonight before bed. Ok my birthday was even better than expected. Aunt Rachell and Uncle BoB got me a radio and a bra. I was embarrassed about the bra thing but I said thank you. Then I opened grandmas gift she got me the newest Taylor Swift album and latest Jon Green book. Mom and Dad got me 3 things a PHONE! a one year plan! and then I got a 10 pack of movies MY own movies! We went to Linda's Diner for breakfast this morning and Grandma made dinner. Then we watched 3 of my new movies. We then ate cake and ice cream. I HAD THE BEST BIRTHDAY EVER!


July 30,2014
Dear diary,
I need to be more mature because I'm a 15 year old girl. I mean Andrew has nothing on me now!:) I think I seriously just got a text on my phone!!
It reads.....
" Meet me at the park I have at surprise for u :)!!"
Well I'll be at the park tell you bout it later.
Never should have gone to that stupid park. I mean how dumb do you have to be to listen to a stupid text message. Ok so I went to the park to claim my surprise. And slushies cherry flavored cold ice in my bra, nose, eyes, pants and shoes. It was even crappier because April was there and she through a slushie at me. I'm so tired mentally and physically I need some shut eye.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2014 ⏰

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