Chapter One: The perfect family.

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"SieJie!" A three year old LXC called as he raced up to his SieJie. Hugging her tightly he looked up with worry in his eyes. "Huh? Oh Ah-Chen what is the matter?" Said person with hazel eyes complimented with dark glossy hair turned and looked at her little brother whose face was already wet with tears. "SieJie. *sobs* mom didn't come out yet and I'm worried". Smiling ever so gently, she reached out her hands and lightly pat him on the head. "Don't worry
A-Chen mom will be here soon. Come let me wipe your tears". As the two siblings made their way over to sit under the cherry tree, they suddenly heard a loud cry. Poor little A-Chen was scared out of his wits and practically jumped into his 6 years old sister's arms. "Waaah! What was that?!" Hugging him tightly she replied with the softest tone, "Don't cry, its just our new sibling". Placing him back on the ground she took A-Chen's hand and lead him to where their mother was. As they approached the door they saw their uncle and father. "Father. Uncle". She  greeted them before asking her father whether they are allowed to enter or not. "You can go inside, but remember to be careful". "And don't cause any noise". Their ever strict uncle Lan Qiren added. With a bow of their heads they entered the room. In the left side of the room further to the left was their mother. They both saw her and rushed to hug her, but stopped when they noticed that she was holding something in her arms. "Mama, what's that your holding, may I see?" A-Chen asked so innocently with puppy eyes. "Of course,
A-Chen, come see your little brother". As A-Chen rounded the corner to her left she moved the white cloth to show a little face with the pinkest nose A-Chen has ever seen. "Mother, is that the new person you were telling me about?" Lotus asked her mom. " Yes, he is indeed the new person. Come have a look at your little brother". Lotus couldn't help but feel her little heart melt with delight as she saw her baby brother's face. "SieJie, he has a really pink nose. Is it going to be like that forever?" Lotus and her mom only laughed at cute little antics. "No. His nose is just pink because he sneezed", replied Mrs Lan. As Lotus and A-Chen stared on and countless questions crossed their minds about this new person they didn't notice their father coming in. "Are you alright?" Their father asked their mother as he sat himself down beside her. "Yes, I'm quite alright", replied Mrs Lan. With a nod of acknowledgement Mr Lan peered at his new born son. *How cute*, he thought as he looked at his son. "Want to hold him?", asked Mrs Lan, "Yes, yes of course". He gently took his son and studied his cute face and his slightly red nose. "Zhan. Let's call him Lan Zhan and Lan Wangji as his courtesy name", Mr Lan said. "Mn", replied Mrs Lan, "It suits him". So this is the birth of Lan Zhan Wangji. "Mother may we hold him, please", two pairs of puppy dog eyes were met. "OK. Go to father he'll let you cradle him". "His so heavy, but I don't want to let go of him". Lotus laughed a small laugh and reached her hands out. "Let SieJie try", "Ok!". "Wangji. Its your SieJie. Your SieJie, Er Ge and out mom and dad love you". "That's right, and we can't wait for you to grow up!" "Lan Xichen, hush".
Lan Qiren quietly reminded Xichen. A-Chen quickly covered his mouth with his chubby hands.
As the night fell silently over The Cloud Recesses, all moving creatures were still and no sound could be heard. In a house separated from the rest quiet sobs could be heard followed by soft pleas. "Please you can't take him away from me. Please let me be with my son", "You know very well that this is bound to happen", a sad voice replied. "You took our two children away, but please let A-Wangji stay with me, please I'm begging you". "I can't even if I wanted to. You already know the situation we're in. I love you, but our situation forbids our togetherness". Mr Lan left with Wangji in his arms, leaving Mrs Lan to cry herself to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2020 ⏰

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