Author's Note

1.8K 54 15

Hello! Hola! Salve! Bonjour!

It's finally over! You're probably rejoicing! ;)

But 10K!!!! Because of you! You make me so happy!!! Thank you for existing!!!!

Don't be afraid to comment with your thoughts, suggestions, historical inaccuracies, fancast suggestions, extreme displeasure, marriage proposals, philosophical ideals, and plans for your own world domination!

I really like comments.

Thank you for taking your precious time to read my book. It's amazing how many views it's gotten and you've helped (whether you want to or not), so thank you! 

What did you think? (Be honest, yo)

I wanted to try my hand at historical fiction so I studied up on the French Revolution and spent September of 2014 writing this lovely piece. Then my AP World History class finally got around to covering the French Revolution and I realized how little I had really researched. 

Fun Fact: An institution called the Committee of Public Safety was established to eliminate all threats to the revolution in it's early stages. While France was under the control of the COPS (coincidence? I think NOT!), over 16,000 people were guillotined including King Louis XVI, Sophie and Louis' father.

If you want more info on the French Revolution, check out or just browse Wikipedia for hours. Like I did. 

Sophie Helene Beatrice was born in 1786 but died 11 months later of tuberculosis. Thankfully, there was still time to have her portrait painted and you can see that lovely selfie in the media section which is somewhere around here. . .

Louis XVII (the Louis I used) was the youngest son of Louis XVI but he never actually ruled and died at the age of 10 while in prison (or did he?).

There would have been two older siblings: Marie Therese, being the oldest of them all, and Louis Joseph. Louis Joseph died at the age of 8 of tuberculosis. Marie Therese actually survived the Revolution! She fled to Austria and later Great Britain until Napoleon left his office. She would later become Queen of France for 20 whole minutes until she basically waived her rights.

"What about the Baudins?" you might be asking. Well, TBH, I Googled "French last names" and Baudin came up. The aforementioned Committee on Public Safety killed a lot of nobles because the nobles were not okay with the Revolution, mostly because they were losing a lot of power to the nasty peasants who were, collectively, known as something called the Third Estate.

Or maybe you have other questions about the French Revolution (which is super cool BTW) or my lovely characters who I desperately miss writing about. Ask them in the comments!

I think it turned out rather well. This was the second draft. The first draft included coups and murderers so this a much simpler piece.

Anyways, thank you for reading. 

I appreciate your time and attention.



PS: If you like this, check out some of my other stuff. You might like it. You might hate it. You might recommend it to your cat. Or maybe you'll slam your laptop shut and yell "RUBBISH!" at the top of your lungs. But seriously, though, any time you can give to my other pieces is appreciated. 

PSS: At 10K reads, I will add an epilogue to the epilogue. Or something like that. (COMING SOON)

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