💜littles without a cg💜

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this chapter is for all littles that don't have a caregiver.
by the way it may helps if you find other little friends

here are some examples for rules, punishments and rewards


💗have a set bedtime

💗always wear diapers and pacifier when you're sleeping

💗drink enough

💗follow your hygiene routine every day

💗no self harm or skipping meals

💗eat only a certain amount candy a day

💗keep your room clean

💗don't drink alcohol

💗take care of your mental health

💗take your meds

💗make sure all your chores are done before you do something else


💗not allowed to watch Netflix/tv for a day

💗no sweets for a day/a week/...

💗clean your room

💗stand in a corner for a while

💗cold shower

💗no paci over night

💗early bedtime

💗bath without bubbles and toys


💗a trip to the park/...

💗going out to a restaurant to eat

💗a new stuffie

💗a new paci/sippy or bottle

💗extra dessert


💗playing a game


💗delayed bedtime

💗building a blanket/pillow fort

💗bubble bath

question: are you a little without cg?

my answer: my girlfriend is doing her best to be my cg we are btw long distance

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