Rough Beginnings

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"Don't hurt her you monster!" Those were Dipper's last words as he took me. It's hard not to remember the look on his face, it was terrifying. It was that look of Your going to die, I'll miss you. I cried. I cried a lot. That image stayed with me for a few nights. After a couple days I began to get used to it though. Life as a hostage isn't as bad as it sounds. The deal was me for the journals. Plain and simple. They had to think about it which probably means they are trying to make a plan to steal me back. It's not going to work and he will be forced to kill me. Personally I'm accepting it, they are going to try. He said not to try or he'll kill me. He's already put a poison of some sort in me. He said it will activate only when he wants it to. He tested it and it was really painful for that like 6 seconds. He's recently enjoyed being human probably because he enjoyed being in Dipper's so much. I like how even though he's human his little top hat still floats above him. I also wonder since he only had one eye, what does the other eye look like? So many questions, not enough answers. My cell is dark and damp. My bed? I don't even know I can call it a bed. It's more like multiple blankets and a pillow. He ruined my sweater that I was wearing so he had to give me some little dress or whatever. It's black and has yellow sleeves. I hate dresses. I sitting on the floor playing with a piece of whatever I found on the ground. Not much to do around here. I've counted the all the bricks of my cell, twice. I'm sitting on the ground when he comes and unlocks the cell door. "Get up shooting star. We're going back the the bargain for your life." I grunt, standing up and walking over to him. He teleports us outside the shack and I see Dipper and Stan waiting with the books. I can't believe Bill is such a jerk to us. If he's such an 'all powerful being' can't he get them himself? Seems unnecessary to kidnap me to make a deal for them. Dipper is trying to hide his tears and Stan, being Stan, is trying to act tough. They are hiding that they are a complete mess. I could care less about this whole thing, honestly. They hand him the books and Bill pushes me towards them. I walk over and hug them. I can't say I'm not glad to see them though. "We missed you so much." Stan says letting a tear slip. "Man, I get kidnapped for a week and you guys are emotional wreaks when I get back." I see a bulge in Dipper's pocket that catches my attention. "Did you give the actual books to Bill?" I ask calmly, hiding my fear. Stan laughs. "Of course not!" That's it. I can't believe they did that. They lied to him and he's going to be angry. "No.... No! Do you even know what you did? He's gonna kill me! He still can! He did this thing that he can do it when he pleases! Did you not think he wouldn't have a safeguard for something like this?!" I am definitely going to die. It's just a matter of time till he notices. Dipper starts to tear up again. He looks over at Stan sadly. "I-I didn't know. I'm so sorry Mabel." He mutters so quietly it's almost under his breath. "You know what. I'm going inside and getting changed then we can talk about this more. Alright?" They nod and I walk inside.

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