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-Mabel POV-
I rubbed my eyes as I sat up. Still tired I push off the bed and realize I shouldn't of done that after I pushed off. I land and... I'm fine. I stand up straight and walk around the bed with ease. Am I alright? I walk away from the bed and around the room. Generally, after I'm awake Bill stops in to say hi and ask me if I need something, but he doesn't come this time. I'm by myself in this room. I see a faint light in the corner of the room and walk over to it. It's a door? I turn the brass knob slowly and open the door. I enter an old and dusty room. There is a fireplace and a few old chairs surrounded with high bookshelves filled with dusty novels. I walk over to the fireplace, I place logs in it and light it with a match that was on the table. I sit in front of the fireplace thinking. How did everything come to this? What lead to me being taken?

Dipper and I had been sitting on our beds doing our own things when Dipper decided that we should go on an adventure. I declined and he left to search for a mystery. I heard him screaming outside about an half hour later, so I ran outside. He said he was doing something when Bill ambushed him. Bill was walking out of the woods when I turned to look. He looked so furious. He had his little blue fire in his hands as he slowly marched towards us. He was ready to chuck it at Dips when I stood in front of him. I remember looking up and he was so confused. I looked back towards Dipper and quickly asked what he did to make him so mad, he wouldn't tell me. I stood my ground as he clearly got over his confusion and continued towards us. I remember he did something and he had me floating or something... I can't remember what happened after that but I remember Dipping sauce's last words as he kidnapped me that first time.

I wonder what Dipper did to make him so angry, he was definitely not happy with something he did, otherwise he would of probably shot at me just as easily as if Dipper was I front of me. I hear footsteps in the other room and then the door behind me creak open. "Good afternoon!" He says surprised. I turn and face him. Something is off. I sit quietly trying not acknowledge that something was off about him. He came over and sat in one of the dusty chairs behind me. "I see your feeling better." I don't trust this situation right now but I continue to try and ignore it. "Is something wrong?" He asks cautiously. I nod. He slides forward in his chair. "What?" I look at him one last time to assure myself. "You look like your really sick or something." He looks at me surprised, like this was new news to him. He looks down at his hands. I'm fairly sure he notices now how pale he seems. "Well then. I see what you mean. I'm not sure why though. I'll be fine."I stand up and walk over to him. I place my hand on his forehead. It's burning hot, he has a really high fever... Weird. "Are you sure your fine?" He looks into the fire, just watching it. "No. I'm not. I knew this would happen... I knew the risk." I'm so confused. Since when does, as far as I know, an indestructible being worry about a fever, or even get one? What risk? What is he talking about?
Hold on a second.
Am I worried about him? Am I genuinely concerned about his well being and that he's not feeling good? It's probably a small cold. Oh. I know what he's talking about! "Wait, are you talking about the risk of being human?" I ask, I am so confident. He looks at me and weakly smiles, slumping down into the chair, laughing nervously. "No."

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