Twitter Famous

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Chapter 2 of the story guys! please leave a review and let me know what you think!


“I can’t believe you didn’t even recognise them!” Zara exclaimed from beside me as I told her again, for about the tenth time, about what had happened earlier on that day. “I so wished I would have come now, sacrificing my Saturday morning would have been worth seeing the train wreck that is Savannah Clark!”

“That’s fine laugh it up, I don’t care, and he was a right arse anyway. How the majority of the female population loves him I’ll never know!” I grumbled, knocking back the rest of my drink, the Jack Daniels burning my throat on the way down. I took a look around the bar, the room slightly spinning as I did so. What started as a few glasses of wine at my apartment with Zara to fill her in on the gossip of the morning’s events, ended up turning into a piss up at our favourite Karaoke bar,  ‘Queen’s’ . But, after the day I had I think I deserved a large glass of wine, or ten. And maybe a few shots in there too, after all, it isn’t every day you verbally abuse one fifth of the most famous boy band in the world!

“Erm, maybe because he’s Irish, a singer, plays guitar and in the biggest boy band in the world. And did I mention he’s Irish?” She shouted down my ear, ticking off each thing on her hand before waving it in my face. “I mean, HELLO! You totally could of eye fucked him from across the room while pretending to be interested in Em but NOOOOO, you had to call him a ‘retarded little leprechaun’”

“Yes, you’ve told me this about ten times already! Don’t you have anything else you’d like to talk about apart from my fucked up life?” I snapped at her before running a hand through my blonde hair, pushing it out of my face, so I could unleash my full glare on Zara. The bitch thought this was hilarious. Which I suppose if the roles were reversed, I’d be acting exactly the same as her, but they’re not so it was not at all funny. Not even a little funny.

Smirking at me from over the top of her glass she just shook her head at me before standing up. “I’m not going to comment on your tone of voice as you’ve had a drink and we all know you have a sharp tongue when you’re pissed. Now, I’m in desperate need of a drink and I’m not letting you make me drink alone so you better have removed that stick from your arse by the time I get back and be ready to get absolutely shitfaced.” And with that, she strutted to the bar, her hips swaying from side to side and her chest sticking out whenever she passed a group of lads. The fucking slut.

Now that I had some time alone with my thoughts, my mind was running back over what had happened that morning. How I hadn’t noticed it was one direction at first I’d never know, I mean they’d been on practically every bill-board I’d been past in the past two years, and I used to live with Em who had an unholy obsession with them.  Although after meeting them, especially Niall, I seriously didn’t understand the big deal. They were arseholes. Well, Louis and Liam weren’t, the other three however, I’m afraid to say were.

I had wanted nothing more than to wipe the arrogant smirk off Irish’s face after he’d finished telling me who he was, the cocky prick. It was because of people like him celebrities got the title of egotistical dickheads.

“I don’t believe I officially introduced myself, the names Niall Horan, one fifth of One Direction”

The urge to drop my mouth open in shock and my stupidity was very, very tempting at that moment but I refused to let him see that his name or his band’s name at that had any effect on me, although I was positive it made me look like a bulldog chewing a wasp.

Whatever shit I’d done in the past had come back to bite me on the arse now, because Karma was most defiantly a bitch, a ruthless bitch at that. I could hear Em giggling behind me, finding the situation her darling older sister was in amusing; the traitor. What happened to family first? Well, I’ll just make sure I remember this moment the next time she wants a lift anywhere. The grot bag could use her god damn legs for a change.

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