Chapter 9: 2014 - Part 2

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[referring to the puppy Roxy has chosen]
Gary 'Eggsy' Unwin: A poodle?
Roxy: What? They're gun dogs. Oldest working breed. Easy to train.
[looking at Eggsy's puppy]
Roxy: A pug?
Gary 'Eggsy' Unwin: It's a bulldog, ain't it?
[Roxy gives him a look]
Gary 'Eggsy' Unwin: It'll get bigger though, won't it?
[Roxy shakes her head]
Gary 'Eggsy' Unwin: Shit.

I was reading through the script and had to smile to myself before looking out the window of the plane. I couldn't wait to be back in London. The role seemed to be amazing, a really strong female recurring character. I didn't even tell Taron about it, I wanted it to be a surprise.

I took the Tube to Rose's place. She had insisted I would stay with her a few days and I had missed her so much I couldn't wait to see her again.

She had left the door key with her neighbour and I let myself in because she and her now-husband Dan were both at work. I sighed as I dropped my backpack to the floor and sat down on the couch. How much I had missed to be in London.

Should I give Taron a call? I smiled and decided to wait, maybe just pop up at his place and surprise him. That was probably an awful idea but I didn't want him to get his hopes up. I wouldn't stay, unless I got that role.

I changed into a jeans, shirt and pleaded jacket before taking the Tube to the headquarters of Crew United. I decided to leave my hair open and applied some makeup to look good, but not overdo it since I felt like Roxy wouldn't be that kind of a girl.

I was getting more and more nervous as I reached their building. What if they wouldn't hire me? Or what if they would?

I was getting in line and tried to get through the dialogues again and they had me sign a confidentiality agreement. Then they called my name.

I got up from my chair and my knees were wobbly as I walked into what seemed to be the audition room. I shook their hands and got ready for my audition piece.

The audition went quite well and they would actually call me. Or at least that is what they said. I was quite happy about it, that they even had considered me. But I didn't think it would lead anywhere.

I got my phone from my handbag as I walked towards the Tube station. I realised Taron had tried to call me. I smiled and called him back.

"Hi" he answered

"Hello, how are you?" I tried to get away from one of the main traffic roads to hear him more clearly.

"What's that noise the background?" he laughed.

I smiled "I'm in London"

"You're what?" I loved his high-pitched surprised voice.

I laughed "Yeah, I wanted to surprise you, actually"

"I'd say you achieved that" he seemed stoked. "What are your plans?"

"I auditioned for a movie role just now. Would you want to meet up?"

"I'd love to" he said "I have news too"

"Perfect" I smiled

"Where are you at right now?"

"Canary Wharf" I looked around as I stared at the beautiful glass architecture tube station.

"Great, let's say Canary Café in 20?" he suggested.

"Sure, see you then" I smiled like a fool when we had hung up.

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