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Harry shuddered and pulled his jacket around his body as he walked through the sketchy part of London on a chilly November night

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Harry shuddered and pulled his jacket around his body as he walked through the sketchy part of London on a chilly November night. He knows its not the smartest idea he's ever had, with the Shadow still on the loose, but Harry wasn't really bothered. His life was shit anyway.

He smiled at the thought of the Shadow, thinking he was so mysterious because no one knew his identity. What the Shadow didn't know is that Harry knew exactly who he was, all the way down to his hair colour, body type and eye colour. The boys name was Simon Minter, a blonde haired, blue eyed, slim boy. He was a psycho, who killed and robbed and caused havoc for fun and attention. And yet, Harry was in love. In love with the way Simon looked so bored and careless when he was killing someone, the way he had a stupid dopey grin on his face when he stole someones belongings, or the blood smeared on his face when he was fresh out of a fight.

Of course, Harry could never understand why Simon was like this. Harry couldn't even comprehend the thought of killing or robbing someone, and he knew he'd be hopeless in a fight, which is why he was so quiet - it stopped him from getting hurt. Nevertheless, he was still fascinated by Simon and everything he did; no matter what, Harry could never keep away. Even if Simon didn't know he existed.

Harry shrugged off his jacket as he entered his apartment, a small one bedroom complex that sat above a small shop in a sketchy alley. It wasn't the best place to live, but it was all that Harry could afford. He didn't want a roommate or support from his non existent family, so this would have to do.

Looking at the dirt on his hands and shirt, he decided he may need to wash. Discarding the black shirt he was wearing and throwing it in the laundry basket, he walked down the dimly lit hallway to the bathroom where he made quick work of washing his hands. Once he was done, he took a long hard look at himself in the mirror. His once vibrant blonde hair was now just a normal dirty blonde - he didn't have money to spare on hair dye - and his once blue eyes were now a dull grey. His skin was pale, probably due to the lack of food, which would probably also explain why he was so skinny. Shaking his head, Harry decided not to dwell on his appearance anymore and went straight to bed. It was 1 am after all.

After an hour of tossing and turning, Harry had finally managed to dose off. It wasn't that his bed was uncomfortable, it was actually probably the nicest thing he owned, it was just that the noise was so loud outside he could hear it almost as clear as day. However, it had started to die out and he faded into a nice, peaceful sleep.

Until he heard footsteps outside his room.

The footsteps were soft, almost as if the person was trying to be quiet, and Harry knew straight away it was Simon aka the Shadow. Gripping the knife he hid under his pillow, he laid flat on his stomach and waited for his bedroom door to open. He knew that after a robbery, Simon would always top the night off with a kill. Harry knew what he was in for.

Just like he expected, about two minutes later he heard the bedroom door slowly open, then a few seconds of silence before the door was closed again. Harry gripped the knife even harder as he heard the footsteps come around to his side of the bed, all the way up until the Shadow was crouched beside him. He squeezed his eyes shut, and tried not to tense up when the Shadow ran his fingers up Harry's naked back.

"Well aren't you a pretty boy," Simon whispered, "if I wasn't about to kill you I think I'd like you."

Harry wanted to let go. To let this monster end his life, to end the misery he was suffering, to end his pain.

"Hmm," Simon hummed, "decisions."

Breathe in. Out. In. Out. In. Out. Don't let him know you're awake.

"As much as I'd love to wake you up and take you to La La Land, I can't deal with commitments. Sorry, sweetheart."

Something snapped in Harry's mind, and suddenly he was up.

The Shadow, well, Simon, only had a second to take in what was happening before Harry lunged at him and they were toppling all over the bedroom floor. Harry ended up winning and sat on top of Simon, wasting no time in pulling his knife out and pinning it against the Shadows throat. They looked at each other, breathless, before Simon spoke up.

"How did you know?" He panted.

"I was awake the entire time." Harry said with a raise of his eyebrows.

"Oh," Simon said, then without warning gripped Harry's wrist and took the knife from him, throwing it to the other side of the room. In Harry's state of shock, Simon saw it as an opportunity and flipped them over so now Simon was hovering above Harry, using one arm for support and the other to drag the blunt end of his knife aimlessly around Harry's throat.

"I don't want to kill you. You're pretty hot." He murmured.

"I know who you are." Harry deadpanned.

"What?" Simon coughed, "No, impossible."

"You're Simon Minter." Harry grinned.

All the Shadow could do was stare in disbelief as Harry basically unraveled his whole life story, from his childhood to his first kill, with a look of awe on his face.

" did you know?"

"I've been watching you."

"That's weird."

"So are you."

Simon was going to spare him, just this once, but now he knew he had no choice but to kill him.

"Sorry, pretty boy, I was going to spare you, but you know too much."

"Yes," Harry said with a smile, "thankyou."

Simon looked at him, confused, before it hit him. This is the only victim he's ever had who didn't beg for their life, didn't say they had family they needed to live for, didn't cry or scream for help. He looked into those dull grey eyes, and all he saw was sadness and pain. Simon knew then that Harry didn't beg for his life, because he didn't want it.

With a sigh, Simon put the knife away and stood up, putting his hand out to a confused and slightly hurt looking Harry.

"Come with me, pretty boy, I want to show you something."

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