Operation One

195 6 1

1st POV

Thanks to the impossibility of this universe that is Pym Particles Particle Physics, Nanotechnology and Atomic physics is now ...



It doesn't just defy Newton, it defies Heisenberg. No one can't accurately determine both the momentum and position of a particle, but now I can.

Work in the femtometer range involves manipulation of excited energy states within atomic nuclei, specifically nuclear isomers, to produce metastable (or otherwise stabilized) states with unusual properties. In the extreme case, excited states of the individual nucleons that make up the atomic nucleus (protons and neutrons) are considered, ostensibly to tailor the behavioral properties of these particles. With Pym Particles I could resize actual atoms to work with it by hand .

I could begin to see a pattern, an underlying fabric to everything, with infinite and zero density all in the same moment. Nature abhors a vacuum, and I'd known of the theories of particles composing the bottom layer of it all, but now I could see it dancing before my eyes, unbelievably beautiful. A mesh of violent energies, infinite in their magnitude, like the tossing of a stormy sea, yet structured.

I could now analyse and manipulate things in real time , using it I could see the clockwork of my own body, organic yet mechanical all the same.

Take a microscopic object and with Pym Particles, you could make it the size of a house, manipulate it on the macroscopic scale, and then return it to its natural size. The bullshit particles could allow you to perform molecular engineering literally by hand, or more importantly by robot assembly line.

My vibranium research shooting forward now as well. Being able to expand individual vibranium molecules to the macro scale allowed for very precise manipulations of molecular structure, as I could now negate only the exact bonds I wanted negated. Precision alloying was now possible.

Another use was to get into disposing of nuclear waste by just shrinking it down until it goes quantum.

Maya Hansen examined the fruits of my's actions under a microscope.

"Amazing. Dr. Erskine really was a genius. He created his formula more than sixty years ago, and it is still the gold standard for human enhancement."

"I know it's just blood from Captain America, but will you be able to make use of it?" I asked, briefly thinking about the pain that was headed Thaddeus Ross's way when someone realized that one of the two known vials of Captain America's blood, still in the hands of the US government, had gone missing from his vault.

Bastard deserves it.

"You know that Extremis is really just using the body's own cells to rebuild it how its DNA says it should be. Customizing it for the individual user isn't hard, but if we want enhancement, then I will need to know the genetic blueprint to program in. That's where something like Erskine's formula comes in. "

Especially that of the Gamma Gene .

She looked up with a smile.

"The Serum was so thorough that it seems to have rewritten and altered literally every cell,nearly impossible but with the power and nanotech...."

Maya wouldn't stop gushing over how she could now see in real time the results of different Extremis variants on different living things.

Using it for research with the Erskine's Super Soldier Serum and Extremis with gene-therapies such as the Luke Cage skin hardening procedure and cybernetics. The first efforts are crude, but the science of the body is an art, and art can be refined. The human form is molded and perfected, using femtotechnology and biotechnology from both ends of the spectrum. Age is done away with, and the mind is brought to its pinnacle. My body shall never wither or grow sick, and the crude physiology nature created is replaced by intelligent design.

The serum inserted into graphitic nanotubes, suspended in a carrier fluid into as I was currently suspended naked over a bathtub like tube filled with acidic liquid, strapped down to a advanced metal gurney.

The serum is passes into the bloodstream and permeates the nervous system, accessing my body's recovery center, the portion of the brain that has the complete mapping of the human body and all their features, and initially identifies possible future failures, such as cuts, injuries and varied stimuli which are repaired with enzymes. Extremis takes control of this region of the brain-stem and overwrites all of this mapping with the information about how the body should truly be and the rest of my cells.

"Right, I'm ready Doctor, apply-"

And with those words I'm dropped into a tub filled with acid.

The entirety of my skin screaming out in pain as it's being eaten away, only to grow back, the heat of the newly introduced Extremis is giving off as its going into overdrive in order to heal the massive amounts of damage I'm going through boiling the water around me.

The Doctor quickly became the least of my worries as I heard his footsteps hurrying away across the metal grating, as I seemed to start burning alive from the inside.

The pain from my first life was nothing compared to now.

The pain from my current life I got was nothing compared to this.

There was no pain in the world imaginable, which could compare to immolation from the inside out.

That's before Maya flips the switch and electrocutes the acid.

I had been tied down to the steel gurney which is beginning to oxidize, with heavy iron chains, but when the electricity slams through my every nerve as all of my muscles lock up and I start trashing.

In Seagate prison, Luke Cage was created after the racist prison guard Rackham turned the dial up to eleven, causing an explosion making him unbreakable.

Me, on the other hand?

I was going hotter than that.

Way hotter than that.


In a bright flash of heat and flame, it all just stops.

Looking at my arm, I can see the air simmer around me, thin trails of steam rolling off my skin. The texture of my skin has changed.

It's very subtle, and you'd need to get closer than most people will ever get to me and live to tell about it, but my skin didn't look like human skin anymore.

It had a rough, raised texture to it, layering itself in nearly invisible lines.

" Did it work ?"

I flex my arms , seeing orange energy flow through me. I punch the ground.


The granite ground explodes .

I smile.

" Yeah."

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