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June 1989

As the bell rang for the final time that year, students flocked out of the building faster than bees leaving a broken hive. Violet Hockstetter remained seated in her Social Studies class, not realizing the bell had rung. She was softly humming the Birthday Song, as June 7 was, in fact, her birthday. Sally Mueller, one of Gretta Keene's minions, pushed all of Violet's belongings off her desk, which brought her out of her daydream.

"Have a nice summer, Lettie!" Violet slumped her shoulders, when Sally called her Lettie. Only certain people were allowed to call her that, and Sally Mueller was definitely not one of them. Violet picked up her stuff and left the room, the hallways already half empty. Having no encounters to her locker and out of building, left her sighing in relief as she went to get her bike.

Keeping her head low, she didn't realize she was about to run into the one person she didn't want to talk to. The pretty redhead turned the second she felt a hit on her back. There on the ground, was Vi. Beverly lent her a hand, which she pulled back the second Violet flinched at the motion. Violet stood up by herself and tucked strands of her dark brown hair behind her ear.

"Are you ready for summer, Vi?" Beverly asked, unsure if the brunette was going to talk to her at all. The whole year, since Betty Ripsom had included Beverly into their friend group, Violet hadn't opened up to her. Betty and Edward were the only people she could handle. Beverly saw the way Violet was when she wasn't there. It was as though she was a mirror image of herself. Violet gave the smallest of smiles and only talked when Betty and Edward wanted her to. Otherwise, Beverly noticed, she didn't change much. Her slumped shoulders, they way she held her belongings as close to herself as possible, the way her gaze lingered on her shoes so much. Beverly saw herself, and that made her fear for Violet.

"Lettie?" The girl in question, looked past Beverly to see Ben Hanscom standing there by his bike. She gave the slightest smile, per usual, and went over to her bike.

"Henry and his goons are over by the west entrance, so you should be fine," Beverly said, continuing her conversation with Ben. Violet cowered slightly at the mention of her brother's gang as brought her bike up next to Ben's watching his exchange with Beverly.

"Oh, I wasn't-"

"Everyone knows he's looking for you," Beverly interrupted him. Violet tried to read Beverly's angle. She didn't quite know if she was helping them or leading them into Bowers' trap.

"What are you listening to, Ben?" Violet asked at a good volume for both of them to hear. Beverly was surprised at how soft her voice remained. Beverly took Ben's headphones before he could even react. After a bit, she starts to nod her head along to the beat.

"New Kids on the Block!" Ben flushed pink as she said it aloud.

"I don't even like them. I was just-"

"Wait. You're the new kid, right? Now I get it," Beverly interrupted again. Violet crossed her arms, forgetting about her bike. It fell over and crashed onto the grass.

"Lettie, is your bike ok?" Ben asked her. Violet lost her glare at Beverly and nodded, picking it back up.

"I'm Beverly Marsh," she said, breaking the silence.

"Yeah. I know that 'cause we're in the same class. Social Studies. And you were," Ben stopped himself for a minute, "I'm Ben. Buy pretty much everybody just calls me-"

"The new kid?" Violet asked. Ben nodded, sadly. She placed a hand on his shoulder in comfort.

"Well, Ben, there are worse things to be called," Beverly said, looking directly at Violet. Violet recoiled from her gaze. "Let me sign this."

Beverly took Ben's yearbook out of his hands and opened it. When she saw no signatures in the book, with the exception of Violet's, her heart broke a little for him. She began to sign her name with three hearts.

"Ben, are we gonna go?" Violet asked him, breaking his love-struck gaze off Beverly. Beverly hands the yearbook back to him.

"Stay cool, Ben from Soc class," Beverly said, referencing a song by New Kids on the Block. Violet giggled, knowing it.

"Uh, yeah. You too, Beverly," Ben replied, as she began to walk away.

"Hang tough, New Kid on the Block!" Beverly called out behind her. Violet stayed put. Beverly hadn't even said goodbye to her.

"Please don't go, girl!" Ben called toward her. She must not have heard him, for she didn't turn around. "That the name of another New Kids on the Block song."

Violet got on her bike and gave him a small smile as they both began the ride back to their houses.

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