Hi! Am Mackenzie Miller's and am 14yrs old,I'll soon reach my senior year just in a couple of months (don't blame me momas got a hell of a brain)
Mackenzie!!!mom yelled,yes Mom I'll be down in a sec .
I ran down stairs and braged into my dad oh shoot my dad said as I poured his cup of coffee on his suit 😅😅 OMG 😰😰dad am so sorry I wasn't watching ND den I'll clean it up I spluttered out in one full sentence.well a bad way to start my morning but it's ok sweetie I didn't really lyk the shirt so it's ok dad said. Tanks Dad😌 lemme go get a towel ND clear all dis I said and went to the kitchen to get a towel then went back to clear it. Aren't u going to skul young lady mom said giving me an alarming look;um yeah I am I was just going to get a banana form the fridge I said and went into the kitchen and plucked a banana form it roots. So I think this is the time u should run because u have a project to submit in 30minutes mom reminded me . Oh shit I said,gave Mom a peck ND ran out I checked my watch and it was already time for the project fair 😩😩I got into my car which was an Audi07max
The boy that stole my heart
Lãng mạna 14yr old gurl looks forward to senoir year but little did she know that there's a long journey for her...ENJOY!!!