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2 nights later

G-( staring at rose)

R- gio you don't have to watch me like this I'm fine

G-really it's 3 in the morning and you're sitting on the living room floor

R-well maybe if you hadn't taken my phone away I'd be in my room

J-yeah calling Alex

B-(walks downstairs) my turn

G-(stands up and hands Brandon the phone)

B-kind of weird we have two babies to watch tonight (sits in front of Rose)

G-yeah except Evelyn is easier (walks up stairs)

R-(looked at Brandon)

B-please don't look at me like that you make me feel guilty

R-you should how would you feel if Haley with with another man and she kissed you and you couldn't do anything about it

B-don't start

R-it's been two nights Brandon (pretends to cry ) Jabez cheated on me and Alex was the one who helped me out (sniff)

H&G-( peeks from the stairs)

R-I just want to hear his voice

B-(sighs) alright... Here ( hands the phone to Rose)

H-no!(runs downstairs and grabbed the phone) Brandon honey she's playing you

R-damn it Haley I was so close

B-Wait you're not crying you evil little-

R-manipulative bitch? yeah I know

G- ha Brandon caved first I win the bet (holds out his hand)

H-(rolls her eyes and hand him $5)

2 weeks later

R-(laying on the floor) guys it's been 2 weeks alright I'm dying here

H-you said that two weeks ago

Evelyn-(standes up)

H-yes come on Eve come to mommy

Evelyn-(falls down)

H-why won't she walk

R-I have to go to class (stands up)


A-( fiddling his fingers) I have to pick up my girlfriend sir

Principle-just consider my offer all right I know the situation about you fraternizing with another student was true but I'm more than willing to give you a second chance

A-( nods) thank you sir I'll think about it


R- Anna hold still

Anastasia-I'm trying but you're poking me with the pins (moves) ow!

R-I can't work like this Eli sub and for your sister

Anastasia-Rose come on-

R-get down

Anastasia-(get down and take off the jacket)

Elizabeth-(takes jacket and stands on the podium)

R-Anastasia you're blocking my light

Anastasia-listen bitch  I don't know what your deal has been this past week but you need to cut that shit with me

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