part 22:y/n vs Guu

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Guu swings at y/n however y/n blocks it with the bar of soap and much to Guus and nagas surprise the soap doesn't break however the sword in Guus hand gets a small chip in it

Guu then looks at his sword and back to a smirking y/n and turns and slashes a Ogre to test his sword after seeing it cut straight through the ogre he begins to attack y/n who continues to block every strike until he gets bored and attacks guu who gets a cut right through his neck and falls back bleeding


Guu falls to the ground bleeding uncontrollable while y/n smirks

Naga:but how it's just soap

Guu heals and gets back up

Ainz:you really wish to know

Aura:isn't it Obvious what Lord y/n is doing


Gin:don't worry I'll explain it to you one snake to another you see captain y/n is indeed holding a bar of soap no lie however he his putting little amounts of his power into it making that little bar of soap as deadly as any sword and as sturdy as a reinforced wall of steel


Guy:how are you doing this

Gin frowns having just explained it out loud and was loud enough for all to hear

Y/n:I believe gin just gave you a answer to that question perhaps if you listened

Guy gets mad and swings at y/n once again who blocks it

Y/n:I'm growing rather bored of this can't you do anything else come now you have that strong sword of yours and I have nothing but this little bar of soap surely you can cut soap can't you

Guu gets even more mad and begins to swing his sword at y/n randomly as y/n continues to block before getting extremely bored and deciding to end it now as y/n runs the bar of soap through Guus brain killing him

Y/n:I don't care how great you healing abilities are now one except for me and and can survive a attack to ones internal organs  I am able to survive it do to a magic whisper granting cube I have become one with ain't can do it because he does not have any and no I am not being rude I am being serious

As guu falls to the ground dead y/n turns around tossing the soap to the troll

Y/n:you have my pity truly

Ainz:now that that is done I have a little experiment I would like to test

There you go guys bit of a bad chapter I know but I'm sick so please cut me some slack any way I hope you enjoyed it let me know in the comments till next time

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