Chapter 1: Meeting Up Again

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"Anything special this December?" I saw this "36 minutes ago" unread message on the screen of my iPad. My heart skipped a beat. Then my bitter self said, "What's this scumbag up to?" Lol

However, my sweet romantic self went, "Aww... so he missed me after a couple of months of not being together. Why I haven't seen this message earlier? This is 36 minutes ago, maybe he's already offline! Why did I not see this pop up from my phone? I was playing a game in my phone the whole time and Skype is installed in both of my tablet and phone!"

I was trying to compose for a reply. I was overwhelmed on what I should say. Suddenly, my mind went blank. Then I decided to just be casual about it. I don't want to appear to be so excited about his chat (though I was, lol). I had to respond sooner or he'll no longer be online.

When I opened the chat, I saw the green circle beside his name and heaved a sigh of relief. Wait a second, do you still remember the name? Yes, it's him. Pierre. The handsome moody French guy that broke my heart 9 months ago.

"Hmmm... why?" That's all I said. (lol nagmamaganda ampisti, di ba?!)

"Maybe we could meet again. Let's celebrate my birthday. Spend Christmas together and celebrate the one year since we met."

Yeah, I remember it's going to be his birthday the following week. I felt a bit of "kilig" that he'd want to spend it with me.

I replied enthusiastically, "Yeah, sure why not? Let's celebrate your birthday. Let's make it special like how you made my birthday special."

He said, "Sure. Not only that... let's celebrate our anniversary, one year since I met you. Isn't it late though?"

I quickly responded (maybe he'll take it back, lol), "Just a bit late. Our one year was just 2 weeks ago. I came home from the province and you picked me up at the airport. Well, it's better late than never, right?"

"Wow, you have a good memory! Yep, I remember waiting for you at the airport."

"Yeah, we were like high school kids."

"Honestly, I don't know what to do but I don't want to be alone. Sorry if I'm saying this to you."

"It's alright, I understand how you feel."

Well, I know him already and he's a loner but not to the point of being a recluse. I could sense he's really lonely. He wouldn't have reached out to me if he isn't... or he simply realized that he's made a big mistake when he went crazy before and broke up with me. So, I invited him to our upcoming party with my close friends which he also attended before.

"Hey, my friends and I are having a party 2 weeks from now. You can come with us. Same people we were with last year."

"Yes, maybe I will join you guys."

"Cool. My friends will be glad to see you again."

My friends and I always hold a Christmas party every year. Last year, he joined us and had a good time. He said my friends are cool and fun to be with. So, I have this hope inside me that he'll come to the party again.

Then he asked, "You still living in your house?"

"Yeah, I still live here."

"Ok, good. I like your house."

"I know. We have memories here."

"Of course. I didn' forget any of it."

"Good to hear that. Me too. Hey, you wanna go with me to the province on Christmas?"

"Hmmm... we will see. Maybe, if we don't fight."

"There's nothing to fight about."

"I did many fights with you. I guess nothing has changed. You and me are still the same."

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