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A quiet house. A quiet room. A quiet boy. Martin. Martin lays in his bed with his arm under his pillow, face buried into it. His room is a cluster but then so is his life. Ever since his mother's episode--which nearly killed her. He has been alone. Not physically alone but more emotionally. He has a dad. Not a very ideal dad. His dad is not active in his life. To be quite honest, he's almost irrelevant to Martin, but he's made one hell of an impact on Martin.

A few days ago, before his mom's episode, Martin woke up to the sound of a conversation. Martin was watching Seinfield on his little 42' screen TV he stole from the local flea market nearby. At first, he ignored it. However, the talking turned into yelling, which made Martin want to turn up the TV. There was no remote because it was a stolen TV. The TV is right by his bedroom door, he got up to go turn up Seinfield, as he approached the door he heard his sister yell "get the fuck off of me!" He goes into the hallway, across the hall is his sister's room, he goes to the door and tries to open it but it is locked. He knocked on the door and kept twisting the doorknob. The sound of his sister's resentment became too overbearing for Martin. No matter how many times her voice said "stop" it still wasn't loud enough. Martin started to feel guilty, his sister being assaulted with just a door standing in between them. A door. Something that could've been easily broken down but Martin just sat outside her door. He was too late. Time passed when her door finally opened, it was his dad. His dad looked at him and just smirked. His dad stumbled over him with his belt still undone and his jeans barely holding themselves up. Martin gets up and approaches his dad. He stares. "The hell you want boy?" his dad barked at him. "You mad it wasn't you this time huh? Well, I'll tell you what, your sister isn't as rough as you are" he grabs himself a drink as Martin continues to stare at him with hate and disgust. "She makes it easy," he says menacingly. "She-" he begins to say when a salt shaker hits his head. He rubs his head and rushes over to Martin. His dad grabs his hair and jerks his head into the wall, he pulls his head back blood is dripping down Martin's face. Martin sees a fist coming towards his face, lights out.

"Martin...Martin" a soft voice says to him. Martin slowly opens his eyes. The soft voice was from his sister. Martin sits up, noticing the bumps and bruises on his sister. Martin's pants are down to his ankles, god knows how long he was out. "You okay?" his sister asks. Martin nods, signaling that he's okay. His sister rubs his forehead and kisses it. Martin's face stained with blood as his sister helps up. She goes to her room after helping her brother. Martin goes to his room and slams the door behind him.

Martin's best friend/girlfriend, Hera, is coming over today. Like she always does. Hera recently came into Martin's life towards the end of his and Jasmine's relationship, however, Jasmine believes that Hera is the main reason why they parted. Believes Martin cheated on her with Hera, she was always saying how much she gets in the way and how much she's changing him and all that. To be fair, Martin is obsessed with Hera. He loves the feeling she brings him. He constantly wants to be with her. The lonesome sorrows he feels he feels when she is not around are extremely harmful. Hera is the patch that fills his void--but only for a moment's time. When time is up, Martin longs for her once more.

Hera came or introduced herself to Martin the day of his mom's episode. Martin's mom was convinced she could fly. The last time Martin saw his mom was when she was on the ground outside the house when he came home from school. She had jumped off the roof. She couldn't fly after all. She laid there broken and twisted. "Is she dead?" Martin thought to himself. Instead of going to help his mom, he stayed put. He felt sick. The guilt began to come back to him, it sat at the back of his throat forbidding him to speak. Eyes are red and puffy but he didn't shed a tear. He didn't shed a tear for his poor, mindless mother. At the end that's how he perceived her, fucking mindless. As she laid there, her fingers were starting to twitch, looking for any sort of feeling in her bones after her flight. Her eyes wide open, sharp as knives as they cut into Martin's mind. The ambulance came due to a concerned neighbor. The paramedics get mother on the stretcher and load her up. They ask Martin questions but the helpless guilt ties his tongue. The paramedics get the information from the neighbor who called. Martin cements his feet in the ground and stands there as they drive his flightless mother away.

Martin got a big duffle bag from a bum at school, Martin told the kid he needed "a new way out or new company." Which were Hera and the duffle bag. After watching his mom off, he takes his company to his room. Where his new relationship with Hera begins to blast off to Saturn.

Hera and Martin were inseparable. They were so close. Their sex gave Martin so many waves of emotion. Putting him in a vegetable state, trying to kill the pain before it stains. Martin abused Hera's time for hours on in. It was a routine. Martin would think sad and say sad, they would trade fluids, then sleep. Martin was in love. Jasmine found out, got so fed up with it and just left. Martin felt sad but Hera was right there to lift him up.

Days only got worse for Martin, his sister found a way out. After poisoning her dad's drink with sleeping capsules, she kissed Martin on the head and left in the night. Two bodies have found a way out. Martin began to feel intoxicating things. Thinking that there was no one left at all. Martin thought about the things his dad did to him. Abusive touches and beating, having conversations with him where the alcohol was talking. How about the basketball games he missed or the induction to the National Honors Society ceremony he missed. Martin didn't owe him anything.

Martin thought about his mom. She left a long time ago, her mind that is. Her body and confused brain were complete strangers that just mirrored her. He missed her. His sister, Martin just felt bad. He did nothing for her. She's been through so much, he thought he might've been the reason why she left. He started to think that she didn't love him enough to stick around. Then he realized, that's just selfish. She was treated like a sex doll in this house. She was only 14. Martin didn't do anything to protect her. Martin didn't owe anyone anything.

Martin was mute. Emotionless. Overall, stuck. Hera was right next to him for support. Hera looked at Martin with her needle eyes and smiled. Martin lost all hope and control. He took Hera and planted her through his veins. He took her. Took every last drop of her. Hera did her job and fulfilled her purpose. Eyes got heavy for Martin, he felt good and soon, his eyes rolled back. It's nap time for Martin.

A quiet house. A quiet room. A quiet boy. Martin. Martin lays in his bed with one arm under his pillow with his face buried in it, and one arm hanging from his bed. His arm had blood dripping in streams down it, with Hera's syringe-like body in it. Hera was surrounded by black and blue. Martin lays there like his flightless mother, except she was still breathing. It was, well, would've been Martin's 17th birthday. But no one would've remembered anyway.

The End.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2020 ⏰

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