Chapter Twenty Four - Part One

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Number one thing I like about mornings in my own home, no Maxwell. The sun shines on my face as I walk to the mailbox to gather my mail. Already clothed for work I sit at the kitchen table to enjoy some breakfast as I look at the letters I received. A wide smile forms on my face as I see a letter from Robert and Justin, my flower experts.

Eagerly, I tear into the envelope to read what other than an invitation to their engagement party. A tiny bit of disappointment seeps into my good mood because I thought they wanted me to help them with their wedding. I haven't had a chance to check my emails in forever, so for all I know there's an email from them waiting for me to reply to. To my surprise, a corner of a second piece of paper that is still wedged inside the envelope peaks out. A small laugh fills the silent room as I read a message that Justin wrote.

You better have this date available.

After finishing my breakfast, I gather my purse and keys to make my way to work, double checking several times that I remembered the invitation and my calendar before I leave. The sole of my shoe slides as I turn away from the door. Wondering if I dropped anything, I look around my full hands. Sure enough, right there still under my foot is an envelope.

In a rush, I pick it up and shove it in my purse. My anxious heart calms when I park in the lot in front of my office building. To my surprise Morgan hasn't arrived yet and the quietness the empty building offers me is much needed.

I haven't been in my office fully enjoying what I do for a while. Only one thing is on my mind and that's contacting Robert and Justin about this engagement party. While I wait for my laptop to boot up, I dig out the invitation. Along with it comes the envelope I slipped on.

I tear it open without looking to see who it's from. It feels as if the blood coursing through my veins freezes the minute I read the short message written on a single piece of paper that was shoved inside. The crisp white stationary paper slowly floats down to my desktop as my quivering fingers can't hold on to it.

I brushed it off earlier as dropping it by accident, but a little voice in my head tells me otherwise. After examining the front and back of the small black envelope, it only makes my suspicions greater. There's no stamp on it indicating that it was even mailed. Someone left it intentionally on my doorstep. But when? No matter how hard I want to take my gaze off the note, I can't.

You're next.

Life comes crashing down all at once slowly suffocating me. When my phone blares from inside my purse, I can't help but to twitch from fear. With shaking arms along with numb fingers, I barely answer it.

"Charlie, where are you? Are you okay?" The panic in Maxwell's voice probably matches my own if I could actually speak. "Charlie, answer me," he pleads.

"I'm at work." I manage to get out.

"And?" he asks, but when I remain silent he continues to talk. "Charlie, we have been through this. I know something's wrong. Now tell me before I come find out for myself this instant."

"The sun's blazing would die...wouldn't you?"

"Possibly, but I would risk my life to save you. No tell me what happened."

"A letter...just a letter. I thought I dropped it, but after opening it...I didn't drop it, was left for me."

"What does say?" His stern voice creates more panic.

"You're next."

"I want you to leave work and come stay with me until we figure this out."

"I can't, I have too much work to do."

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