9. Military

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Alastor's POV

I heard a loud ringing sound and it was very dark, I felt a lot of weight on my back and it was kinda hot too.

I let my vision clear up and then looked down at Angel who had bad burns across his left shin, right forearm, and his chest.

I heard voices from out side the wreckage

"what the hell could take out a two fighter jets"

"Maybe another jet"

"No, this jet was cut cleaning half and the piolets strung from trees, this is the work of no jet"

"What'll we do sir"

"Not sure, but we need to lock down the area, keep this from the public, security cameras everywhere"

I needed to get Angel medical help, and I don't know the first thing about medical care.

I knew I was gonna regret this desicion "HELP" "is there someone in there" "Y-YES, MY FRIEND GOT HURT AND WE'RE STUCK".

"Is your friend breathing" the man asked "YA, BUT HE'S GOT BURNS ON HIM" I yelled. "GET A CRANE OVER HERE, NOW" the man yelled.

Angel started to groan "hey Angel I'mma get you some help, okay" Angel noded slowly "Never...say...real.....name" he said forcing work out his mouth.

"Okay, okay I get it. You are gonna be Martin and I'll be Alex I guess" he slowly noded again and closed his eyes.

I heard loud noises outside, I felt the weight on my back slow going away. I started to see light and some shadows, once the jet was moved I pushed some rocks, branches, and sticks off of us.

I felt arms grab me and pull me out the hole, another man picked up Angel and carried him out the whole.

Everyone was looking at us funny, maybe cause we had messed up clothes. A man with a lot of gold stars walked up to me "the hell where you doing under there kid".

Or their staring because we are children under a crashed jet, makes more sense.

"We where building our fort, and we heard a loud noise so we came out to see, and I guess when I saw the falling jet I froze up" he was writing down the things I said in a note book.

"But my friend Martin tackled me into a hole and the jet fell on us, we passed out. When I woke up Martin had burns, so I flipped our position so I could try and find away out".

I hope the lie was good enough, he noded "what's you and your friends names" he asked, "that's Martin and I'm Alex, what's your name".

"I'm General Sanchez, of the Snowdon Military Base".

I noded and he spoke again "we will take you back with us, heal your friend up and take you kids home". I noded acting like we had a home to go back to, "can you not seperate me and Martin, please".

He looked at a few of the soldiers "alright we'll keep you kids together" he said as a helicopter landed.

All the guards loaded onto it and we ascended into the air and started flying away, I'm pretty sure we where going too the fort.

I only had a slight problem, I just felt something REALLY off about these people.

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