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"You had one thing to do!" I yelled at Tae making him mug me.

"It's my fault the shit came off now?"

"Came off? At this point take it up with god he gave me the best coochie in the world, niggas wanna take off condoms now" I slammed my suitcase.

"God lee', you must be stupid if you think we using condoms."

"Yes very we haven't even been together long and you trying to get me pregnant" I flicked him off slipping on some sweats.

"You seem mad for what?" He asked me with a look.

Fine ass, can't stand him.

"Becauseee..." I dragged not having a real reason.

"Problematic ass, you coming to the show or not?"

I waved him off trying to see who was blowing my phone up.


RJ looking for you

Why they fell out. I don't care bout that man at all.

So Rj was on that stalker mess with you basically and black called him out bout it Ray started talking about that whole tranny thang.

Yikes. They really- not even gone say it

"Where you going?" I gave Tae a face before making up the bed.

"Get some food."

"I like that gone head"

"Was gone go anyway" He smacked his teeth walking out.

I sat my phone on the dresser going live.

"Cause let me clean" I looked at the rest of the room starting to pick up stuff.

Housewife maybe?

"Very much no cause is my ass getting fat" I stepped back turning around.

"Let's see whats in his pants"

Your so pretty
Where set?

"Thank you and who?"

Looking through Tae pants I pulled out some money and a condom making me confused.


"Oh yeah keeping this" I waved it off putting the money in my purse.

bae wya?

"Oh my god let me get off" I exited the live pulling out the condom.

"He probably was gone fuck some bitch" I mumbled throwing it at the bedroom door.

Done cleaned the whole house, "bitch turned me into a housewife and wanna try and cheat"

Send a text?

"Yeah let me text this hoe cause he got me fucked up"


I'm ready to go home now I think this man cheating na.

It's just the dick

I found a condom in his jeans sis

You stupid fuck you as with him all day.

I- now I gotta apologize cause I done cussed him out.

Girl you can not do that in a relationship this not Rj.

Maybe I need a Rj.


"But I'm sorry" Lani wined in my ear.

"I'm bout two seconds away from punching the fuck out you" I mumbled throwing on my clothes.

"It's my fault you had a condom in your jeans? Dumb ass bitch "She said with a attitude makimg me lean back.

"Oh yeah you got me fucked up now"

"I bet" She pulled down her short ass dress putting on some ugly black shades.

"Keep talking and see where you be"

"A threat?"

I eyed her, "make it what you wanna be, if you want to be at the show the car leaving in two minutes."


Where you at show start at 7?

On my way now Lani with the bullshit.

Opening the door for Lani I got in the back after she did.

"Oh a driver fancy." She mumbled.

"You need to stop wearing these small ass clothes" I looked at her dress seeing all her tittes out. "Almost see your pussy"

"Why you talking to me? Shut the fuck up. Making threats like I won't-"

"Do what?" I turned to her.


"What, give some random nigga head fuck on some nigga. Yeah you apparently known for that"

Too far? Don't even care at this point.

"This you?" Tony looked at Lani.

"Something like dat'" I mumbled grabbing the microphone.

"Damn y'all really on bullshit" Ro tapped me.

"More than bullshit."

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