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Izuku's POV

Aizawa woke me up early this morning and brought me to the police station so now I'm in an interrogation room with detective Tsukauchi so they can know if  I'm lying or not. " Aizawa Izuku may you tell us about the league and AFO?" the detective asked me "sure, AFO is also known as Hisashi Midoriya found Tenko Shimura after Nana Shimura died" I stated to the detective "we've never heard anything about Tenko Shimura before involving the LoV" the detective mentioned "Tenko Shimura also known as Tomura Shigaraki, quirk non, given quirk Decay" I told him after a few question I could care less about he asked me one I was dreading "there is time where we have no idea where you were it was between your mother dying and when you met Shouto Todoroki may you please enlighten us about what happened in that time?" he asked "after Inko died I had gone to a place where I go to when I'm angry or sad I had blacked out while there I woke up for a minute I say the mist called Kurogiri then I felt a lot of pain in my left arm and it started spreading to the rest of my body I ended up blacking out from the pain I woke up on a beach; I believe that this is when they gave me my quirk but that could be wrong due to there not being any quirk like mine before so another theory is that I had a quirk when I  was adopted and the pain was caused by my quirk and another one being given to me by AFO but really anything could have happened while I was out" I answered "why would AFO give you your quirk back if it allows the user to use any quirk?" AllMight asked "it's a version of his quirk tho the 2 versions of the AFO and OFA quirks are powerful when 1 person has 2 of either of them it starts to take a toll on their body so chances are that he wanted to live" I answer "what is the LoV next move" I looked at the reflection of the one way glass to see Sir NightEye behind me honestly he's one of few heroes I like "probably after you took AFO out of the fight Kai Chisaki also known as Overhaul will seek out the League and make an alliance with them while using some members this will allow the Yakuza to finish and release a quirk killing drug made from the blood of a girl named Eri" I answered NightEye everyone stepped away from me I heard NightEye move then something came down trying to hit me but I dodged "really after everything I had done you think that would work NightEye I know your investigating the Shie Hassaikai the branch of the Yakuza that Overhaul is in charge of" I stated slightly annoyed "your lucky your not in prison villain" he retorted back at me "you and AllMight act to high and mighty but you would never understand the difference between those who can be saved and those who need to be... Hypocritical asses" I stated then broke the cuffs off of my hands and walked out I made my way back to UA and found Aizawa on his break.

so yeah been a while sorry for the short chapter I've been busy with school due to exams anyways peace out ✌

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