Officially Together

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Seulgi's POV

My last week in the hospital, I think is the best week I had in my very existence so far. Irene and I have been together literally like 24 hours and not to mention that every single night, we are on the same bed. Uggghh I think I'm so used to it that I'm not sure if I can be able to sleep without her beside me at night when I go back home.

"Here Seul. Say Ahhh." She was like feeding me litterally for the whole week.

"Baechu I can eat by myself." Irene told me that we have our endearments. I call her Baechu and she call me Seul. Isn't it the sweetest endearment.?"

"Come on Seul. Ahhhh?"

Geez this girl won't stop until I do what she wanted me to do. Sometimes I still can't believe that I'm with her. Imagine she's just my celebrity crush before and now... she'll give me this look like I'm the prettiest girl in the world. Ommooo I still get flusterred whenever she do that.

Then I opened my mouth and she just feed me.

"Oh my God, I can't believe I'm still here." Wendy said. Right, Wendy and Joy are almost everyday in the hospital too. Well, it's like technically, all the four of us are on vacation. The perks of Irene being the President's daughter. And me being her girlfriend. Lol It's also a miracle that media men kinda backed off from getting info about me and Irene.

"That's right. Shall we go and walk out now Wendy?"

"I think so." Then the two was about to get out of the door when I blurted out.

"Aigooo you guys just want to date outside!"

Both of them turned their heads at the same time.

"Yah, you bitch. How do you know?" Joy said while smirking. Wendy on the other hand, slapped her shoulders. (0///0) "Don't even start Joy."

Then soon both of them we're gone and it's just me and Irene.

"Seul, you're going home tonight. Can you please wear something nice tonight?"

"Huh? Exactly we're going home tonight, so why would I wear something fancy?"

"I want us to go somewhere first before I take you home."

"Huh? And where do you want to go?"

"Well, it's secret." Then she winked at me. Gosh help, my heart is being attacked right now.

(Skips Time ---------------------Night Time)

"Wow Seulgi-unnie and Irene-unnie, you guys are the prettiest. I thought you guys are going home? Do you really need to wear that fancy dresses?" Yeri said.

Irene gave her a small laughed. "Aigooo, we're actually going somewhere before going home."

"Are you gonna propose to her Irene-unnie?" Then I saw Irene blushed that's why I smacked Yeri's head.

"Yah're so mean. That hurts a lot."

"Serves you right for talking to much."

"Aisssttt I don't understand why Irene-unnie likes you." Soon Irene laughed so hard.

I looked at her and said. "Really Baechu?"

"I'm so sorry Seul. Yeri is just so adorable."

"Alright Seulgi. You guys take care. Dont work too hard and don't worry about me here. Just visit if you have time but don't push yourself too hard on coming here. We will call you or call us anytime." My mom said.

"Sounds good to me mom. Take care of yourself too and fighting." Then I hugged her.

"I'll miss you unnie but of course you need to work your ass off for my future but please don't work too much. I love you unnie."

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