~|Chapter 3: Cats|~

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"t-thanks Midoriya...i'll remember that..." Shinso gave a genuine smile to me, my cheeks got dusted off with a bright scarlet as i saw his pure and wholesome smile..

3rd Person's POV
after a few minutes of both of them looking at eatchothers eyes Shinso grabbed Midoriya's hand
"Hey lets hang out like we planned" he broke the ice as Midoriya noticed he was holding his hand blushing madly

"s-sure! where are we heading?" Midoriya asked "hmm how about a cat cafe?" shinsou replied while they were walking toward the gates "that'll be so cuteeee! i never knew you liked cats" Midoriya's face brightened i blushed a bit in embarrassment while rubbing the back of my neck

"Heh..Well i have two cats at my dorm.." Midoirya slowly looked ay Shinsou with the biggest smile on his face, and nether the less Shinsou was regretting his desicion mentioning his two cats "Can i go to your dorm later to meet them?!?!?!?"

he sprinted up with this cute expression on his face Shinsou covered his hace with his palm hiding his blush "s-sure, w-we can go to my dorm after the c-cat cafe..is that okay with you?" Shinsou said "Yes please!!" Midoriya's chirpy expression was too pure for shinsou after minutes of chit chat they were at their destination.

Midoriya's POV
Shinsou opened the door for me and we were aprouched by a waitress "Oh hello shinsou!, what will you have the regular?" he nodded at her and asked "a booth and a table for two" the waitress nodded and led us to a table and gave me the menu

"so what will you have?" the waitress looked towards me asking for my order "i'll have a Milktea and Crepe please" i replied with my order "ill also have a crepe" shinsou said to the waitress, she took our orders then headed off. "She seems to know you, have you been here more than once?" i teased him then giggled

"Heh...yep" he looked away to the side blushing from embarrassment "aww dont be embarrassed Hito—" i covered my mouth when i noticed i said his first name "s-sorry Shinsou i didnt m-mean to" i apologized "its fine, really you can call me Hito, i dont really mind you're the nicest person to me so far..."he said as he looked at me with bright crimson on his cheeks

"th-thank you Hito!-" i stopped and noticed three figures a few tables behind us...one with brown hair..the other with 2 colored parts of his hair...and a tall figure with glasses and all three of them have binoculars....no it cant be..

"Midoriya? You have seem to spaced out" Hito noticed worriedly "Oh um Hito do those three behind us look like Shoto, IIda and Ochako?" i asked for a second opinion just incase if i was just paranoid "H-Huh?" he turned his back and he was sure that it was the 3 with binoculars.

Shinso's POV
I was digusted to find out the 3 was spying on me and Midoriya..But i can have some fun with this advantage..
"Here are your orders!" the waitress zoomed in with our orders "heres our Special (Latte art of a kitty),one Strawberry crepe, one Chocolate and a milktea! enjoy!" she said happily and went back to the counter

since i knew that half-and-half has a thing for Midoriya ill try to make him pay for spying on us..."hey Midoriya wanna try my Chocolate Crepe?" i asked him "Sure!" i got a peice and spoon fed him "Ish Delishoush!" he said with his mouth full while i was blushing at his cute reaction

we chatted a bit for a while and finished our food and went inside the cat booth "if they all go to me dont blame them im a soft boy" i chuckled and sat down on a bean bag as all of the cats rushed to me

"looks like they know you alot!" Midoriya teased me and giggled as i was sinking into the cats, i took one cat and placed it on his head. "H-hey he tickles!" he took the cat on his head and angled it to look like a side by side comparison "you two look very alike!" he joked "Ha-Ha very funny Midoriya" i sarcastically reply to his joke as he chuckle as well.

as we played with the cats for an hour already the manager came in to tell us our time has ended i went up to the counter and paid "Sh-Shinsou you dont have to pay for everything" Midoriya sheepishly said to me,

"no i insist" and payed before he can say anything to me "now i feel baddddd" i see his face droop down, i pinch his cheek and said "dont feel that bad cutie~" i see him blush madly as i said that remark.

i see from a distance Todoroki steaming up from rage. and a fangirling IIda and ururaka, heh i said to myself as i took Midoriya's hand and went back outside as we headed back to the dorms

"so what do your cats look like?" Midoriya curiosly asked me "Well one is a tailless black cat with white accents named shoza and a ginger one with a little floof on its head named Yazishi" i replied "aww they sound so cute, now im more excited to meet them!" Midoriya Eagerly responded back to me.

after a few time spent on walking i hear footsteps begind us i looked back and saw Ururaka Tenya and Todoroki froze as i caught them spying on us, i looked at them like as if they were scum and held Midoriya closer then carried on with our walking "H-Hito..?" he asked me flustered and blushing all shades of red "shh.. trust me here" i whispered to him softly.

Midoriya's POV
i was a bit confused on why Hito pulled me closer...but hey i cant complain though...i felt warmth when he did that..it felt nice..i snapped out since Hito kept on waving his hand at my face

"Midoriya? we're here at my dorm you've seem to have spaced out" He snapped me out and replied "S-sorry!" "Haha its alright" once he went inside the ginger cat Yazishi came running down to Hito "you're always so excited to see me Yazishi" he said and placed yazishi on his shoulder

"no wheres shoza?" he asked Yazishi jokingly. then i saw shoza behind my leg with a deep pitched 'meow' coming from his mouth i pick him and and said to Hito "i found shoza!, i said while petting him" "looks like he's taking a liking to you" Shinsou replied as he sat down on his bed and offered me to sit, i acceoted his request and removed my bag and sat next to him petting his cats

"where did you get these little guys" i asked "i found them in a box together, i felt bad so i picked em up and took care of em" he replied as we were playing with the cats i head a loud bang and frost coming from from the door, i flinched and layed ontop of Hito by accident my face was entirely red, and Hito's cheeks were just as red without having time to react, the door opened and we were both shocked to see Shoto and Kacchan

"Are you sure the damn nerd is in there?!" i heard kacchan yelled at shoto without noticing us two in our position, shoto and kacchan was is total shock they both froze...


I tried to make this chapter spicy but dont worry the next chapter will be

-Ten San

You're a hero in my eyes Shinso..[!ShinDeku!]Where stories live. Discover now