fireworks at 0:04

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alternatively : " taste of belonging "

Author's note:
[ I know, shitty to put it in the beggining, right? Well I just needed to say that I like "Soulful eyes" as my first Haikyuu fanfic/one shot in English.(and yes, i see the mistakes and the holes, we'll get better)
So yeah, it took three of my first times in around three chapters. I want to say sorry for breaking it into chapters instead of it it being a ONE shot as it was meant to.
Warning!: May contain mouth to mouth action xD
Warning!: chapter is right around 7000 words. You decide if you have the patience and if its worth it. Thank you, Reader, for reaching this far. ]
( and special thanks to my wife and queen, YukinaFrost, who really should be fucking asleep rn, i don't care, i feel like you never sleep and are up at ungodly hours. I hope you fo tho. Thank you for all the support, the kind words, the laughs and even listening to my rants.)

  The door opened so softly Akaashi could think he imagined it

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The door opened so softly Akaashi could think he imagined it. In another life Kenma must have been an assasin or thief, if not - a cat. He not only resembeled the flexible, gracious animals in looks but character and manerisms as well. And his steps on the wooden floor were like whispers.
They didn't meet up that much. Their "hanging out" was usually playing videogames and talking while online or sometimes, phone calls over homework - which usually meant ranting or just talking with open textbook in front of him. So it always surprised him for a good few seconds how much has Kenma changed appearance wise.
Usually you don't notice when you change yourself. And as they talked everyday he could tell how his confidence grew and all even tho it was, too, a slow process. Yet, the pierced ear and the tied up hair, or his grow burst and the way Kenma was towering over him with half a head would surprise more people.
And somehow he adopted Kuroo's weird fashion sense which consisted mostly of the "Nekoma volleyball" theme as if it was an important character trait to display. Lot's of red, black and white with volleyball captions and cats. From time to time - gaming or band tshirts.
Somehow he avoided that for years when he and Kuroo lived next to each other and spent almost all their waking hours side by side. Yet now, in separation, this was all he wore much to Akaashi's complaining.
- Kozume.
He turned around in his, bowl of chocolate cereal in his hands and a plush blanked draped over his body.
- Yo. - The other lazily rised his hand, making his way to the kitchen island and fixing himself a bowl of multicolored, sugary breakfast. Akaashi kept some of it for the rare occasions Kenma visited. - Are you going to rant about my complexion again?
- I mean, yeah, you might, in horrific and potentionally dangerous way, reflect some of tonight's fireworks but who am I to judge?
The ravenette shrugged and smiled, no venom in his words but a friendly teasing, then he sat up crossing his legs. Kenma, in turn, sat down on the furry carpet Akaashi himself dispised for how hard it was to clean and how heavy. Yet his mother loved it so he couldn't just up and throw it away.
- You know, just because you and your almost-boyfriend look like you rolled around in Dorritos, doesn't mean to make fun of my perfectly porcelain skin. - A smille tugged at the corner of his lips. - And I ignored these comments just well the first... thirty times, you burned cinnamon toast.
Akaashi rolled his eyes and his posture sludged. There was something tugging at the ends of his slender eyes. You couldn't say they "darkened", nothing could rival their chocolate cherry color that would reveal his pupils only when direct light hits. Just like even the sun barely managed to slither around the umber locks and show the world they weren't just black. Even when it tangled all shades of colors in Kenma's own blonde-brown streaks or in Kuroo's black ones, it was shying away from painting Akaashi. Even when no one else would probably notice.
Kenma, as a hidden artist - not that he drew or painted much, yet his brain wouldn't stop showing him colors and shapes, couldn't help but observe. He liked doing that - observing. Not only colors and shapes but also sounds and textures. The sound of a ball hitting the ground. The difference between the first years when he ruffled their hairs. How Kuroo's chest bubbled with laughter. Lev's eyes and hair. The feeling of bleeze agains his skin on sunshine behind his lids. All the colors in Akaashi - hair, eyes, skin. The sound of Kuroo's footsteps when he left for university - pasing back and forth in his skull, maybe forever. Of course, Kenma wasn't all to happy being away from his boyfriend but Akaashi was borderline annoying by now.
They both had to go trough this. Kenma was doing his best in being a friend and despite becoming more extroverted and confident, at least, he stayed just as blunt as he was. Tactless, as Yaku said.
- Keiji. Can you stop sulking and come out tonight?
- You know I don't like New Years. Loud noises, crowds, couples... Besides I am not sulking.
- Mhm. - Kenma lightly kicked his chair. - You are just uncharacteristically clingy when it comes to Bokuto, his absence made you really different from who you used to or could be, you are wearing his old jacket, you even rant to me about him - right and about every day; Yet you wouldn't text him, nor does he.
Akaashi put his foot down, kicked Kenma's lightly in return and set his bowl aside. Wrapping himself in the orange blanket was his version of armor, not that he needed one with his best friend. When did Kenma become his bestfriend? He couldn't quite remember the moment.
- Am I that obvious?
The other boy turned around so his back was pressed to the chair and looking up at Akaashi, his head was resting on his crossed legs.
- It's actually Takashi from your first years dating our new manager - Huzawa, and I swear they are like girl friends. Half the time they wouldn't shut up, just gossip. But if they notice it, without even knowing Bokuto and how you would scold him...
Akaashi reached for the half colored locks, releasing them from the hair tie and playing with them. Kenma had nice hair to begin with and even the bleaching it has underwent haven't damaged it that much. And as Akaashi spoke best with his hands, as many closeted people did, at times when he found it hard to talk about something, even with him - his bestfriend - he would reach and play with his hair.
His hands just had to do something, as if that was distracting his anxiety, making it look away and release the words lumping in his throat.
- But... Do you think I annoyed him? Because I became clingy? Or maybe he thinks I'm weird because I wear his jacket and all. So he decided that was like pulling a bandaid - faster would be painless?
- Or maybe you are an idiot? - Kenma checked his phone once again. That device could probably be sent to outer space with it's miraculous battery as it was constantly used for one thing ot another. - And who would even tell him? Me? Your classmates? Lev?
His eyebrows were sarcastically rised, as high as they could get.
- Well he stopped texting me, maybe he keeps in touch with someone else. It really shouldn't matter anyway. - Akaashi turned to the side, his sigh tired and long.
Kenma followed suit with a groan instead. The boy jumped to his feet, tied his hair again and stretched. Akaashi pouted and looked at his own phone so he wouldn't meet Kenma's cat-like eyes who seemed to see more.
- He probably has some boyfriend or a girlfriend. Same major as him. Or liking the same movies that I never did. It's.. I-.. I just miss him so much, Kozume! He probably knew I wouldn't support him.
- He doesn't have a partner. For all I know he doesn't even have sex, countrary to popular belief.
- Bullcrap! And I really don't want to know about his... personal, that personal, life.
The blanket fell off his shoulders and Akaashi brought his knees closer. If he didn't know him that well, Kenma would guess he was about to cry. Yet he clicked his tongue and flicked the ravenette's forehead.
- You could've just said I'm that annoying. No need to flood my heaad with lewd images.
- You are not annoying me. I too rant to you, no? But you are acting like the boy is dead. C'mon!
- Well it's not like I was trained in "Rejection 101: How to handle abandonment", you know? And it's not like you and Kuroo, he is literally your boyfriend.
It wasn't a real argument despite both of them looking more or less irritated. Both of them were too logical and too good of a friends to let petty tempet step between them. Nonetheless, Kenma's laughter caught him off guard.
- Keiji. How can you literally name all his relatives and extended family. Five generations back!; You knew where he kept a secret stash of his favorite candy, what the candy was, how he had to take which medicine and when. You even know how many pairs of socks he owns. You just have to be complete idiot to not have noticed-...
And just then, there, at the moment Akaashi was on his feet, toes, on the very edge, Kenma's phone rang. The boy noticed the ugly photo of the unsuspecting graduate as well as the fact that he was named "Eagle One" on Kenma's phone.
Not even a heart emoji, Akaashi thought in amusement.

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