Chapter 1

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               I am not normal unless being able to turn into a literal demon counts as normal. When I was little, I could already tell that something was wrong with me, and when I turned into a red skinned demon thing in 7th grade, I knew that I was correct. I was different and not the special kind of different that people can except, but instead the kind of weird that you would be locked up in a cage if someone found out. I stayed home for almost and entire semester trying to figure out how to control whatever it is that is turning me into some weird thing, which kind of failed because I ended up just going to school and whenever I felt it about to take control over me I'd just leave and go to the bathroom and isolate myself. You might be wondering why my parents don't send me to school and scolded me for not going but you didn't know that I left home I don't live with my parents and never intend on ever doing so. I have a job as a video game and I'm well known by the big gaming companies, and because I don't really have friends, I have no-one to talk to about the game so that's perfect. You might also be wondering why a pretty young girl is a game tester, well that's because I love to play video games and Anyway because of my job I can afford to have the tiniest of apartments, literally is just like a dorm where everyone has a room and then the bathroom, showers, and kitchen are shared with others, but it's enough to live.

             Currently I'm 16 in 11th grade and am skipping school because I'm about to lose it again. I ran into the bathroom clutching my backpack in my hand breathing heavily I stumble into a bathroom stall collapsing onto the floor as soon as I lock the door. I drop my bag on the floor as I lean over the toilet to through up. As the hot red liquid went from my mouth into the toilet, I notice that it was slowly turning black. Shit it's starting I curse as I glance at my hands to see them turning red and my fingernails blackening as I feel my head exploding with immense pain. I feel myself becoming slightly taller and feel myself become less chubby and more muscular. I reach my hands to the top of my head and feel that my horns have appeared, and as I trace my hand down the tip of my hair and look at it my hair had turned jet black. my phone rings and I rummage through my backpack to answer it.

"Hello, here's Natasha Cradle.", I say as I'm trying not to gag mid-sentence.

"Hello, Ms. Cradle I would like ask you to beta test this new game. You'd gain quite a lot if you take the job. So, what do you say?", the person on the other end of the call said.

I thought a moment and then said, "Sure, just send me ...", I inhale sharply as another wave of pain surged through my torso as I feel a tail with a little spike come out from my school uniform, "... the information.", I finished as to not confuse the person on the phone.

             Then I just hung up and heaved myself over the toilet again as some more black stuff came out of my mouth. I'd give up all the chicken in the world to make whatever is happening stop I thought as the pain slowly started to fade away. My final form has been reached, now all I must do is wait for a couple hours before my body returns to its original form. It's quite good that I only were clothes that are way oversized because I do grow a good bit taller than my normal short and chubby self. I close the lid on the toilet and sit on top of it and grab my bag as I look for my doodling book to draw random stuff. This is what I've been doing whenever I 'turn' at school, when I'm home it's a different story because I can just sit down at my pc and play video games till the feeling returns and I occupy the bathroom for another 30 or so minuets till I return to normal. I know that it's risky to be walking around the dorm in my red form, but I barely ever see anyone walking around the halls, either there at home in their little room minding their own business or there outside living a decent life.

             As I sit there just doodling random stuff, when I hear the door open and a familiar voices chatting about stuff that I'm too lazy to listen to do to the fact that the voices belonged to the most popular girls in this school Ashly, Aerin, and Annabel. Just like most popular kids, they aren't nice to anyone, not even to each other. The school's bathrooms only had three-bathroom stalls and there were three of them which meant that either they are going to go one by one or all at once depending on their mood. And as luck would have it, they wanted all three to themselves. I slightly panic as I heard banging on my stall door.

"Get out of there your dumb piece of trash.", Annabel said.

"No one wants you here.", Aerin followed.

"Get the hell out and have your pity party somewhere else.", Ashly finished.

              I'm so fucked I thought as they continued to pound on the door. I quickly look at myself and see that I'm still the same shade of red. Fuck I curs again as I try to calm down. I decide the best way to try and get out of this is by turning back as fast as possible so I started breathing in and out as slowly as I can as to calm down my nerves. I just keep doing that repeatedly as I still hear the three getting angry at the door that didn't open.

"why don't we just have one person climb over the door as they are getting a boost from the other two?" Aerin suggest as I my breathing begins to quicken. The others outside my stall door start to discus how goes up and how give the boost. I peer down at my hands and to my surprise I wasn't red anymore which meant that I could finally go home.

              As I opend the door and dashed out to avoid the three standing outside my door, when I was stopped by my hoodie. Ashly was holding on to the hood causing it to slightly choke me. I was struggling to get out of her reach when she shoved me to the floor making me scab my knee as it collided with the tile floor. Tiers came to my eyes when I felt kicks to my stomach and my back. I just laid there, beaten and left to cry on the floor. This just pissed me off. They were just laughing at my suffering, what kind of person does that. As my blood began to boil with hatred for the girls that bullied everyone because they thought that they were better than any other living soul on this planet. Suddenly I felt a giant surge of pain in my head. No, no, no, please not now I cried silently, but is was too late my skin already began to turn a bright red as my hair became darker and the horns and tail began to form from my body. It doesn't hurt that much, why. My mind began to race as the well-known feeling returned, panic.


Hey guys sorry that it's a short chapter but if you like it please let me know so I can continue this story, and if you have any suggestions what so ever tell me as well so I can better my writing. Also thank you so much if you even read this far.

Till next time,


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2020 ⏰

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