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Keith P.O.V
     I wake up from a nightmare. I look over at the clock, 5 am huh. Not surprised. I may as well get up... I get into my clothes and walk out of my room. Subconsciously I walk into the training room. I guess it's early morning training today. Yaaayy. "Start training level 45" (A.N. This is inner thoughts "this" is speaking and these are the voices in his head) the bot came up and started fighting.
Narrator P.O.V

     Keith beat it and moved up in the levels. Before he knew it, everybody was up. He sensed somebody looking and saw Lance with a shocked look on his face. "What do you want Lance. And what's with that weird look on your face?" Keith asked, confused. "I- well I didn't know you were on level 60" Lance stuttered. "Oh" is all Keith said, and he headed out of the training room. By the time he got to the dining area, everyone except Lance was there.

       Keith sat down and poked at his food, taking little bites and pushing the rest away. "Keith aren't you hungry? I saw you training earlier." Blurted out Pidge. "No not really. I already ate. But thanks." He said. "Are you sure?" Said Lance out of nowhere, he hadn't noticed Lance walk in and jumped a little bit when he heard his voice.

     "Yes Lance I'm sure. I already ate, I told you." He told Lance, a little annoyed. "Alright....if you say so..." Lance said apprehensively. Keith walked out and headed to his room. He landed on his bed with a small sigh.
Geez you really are pathetic, you can't even eat your food haha!

Yeah you really are pathetic

You can't even keep in your emotions




"Would you just shut up!" Keith shouted. *knock* *knock* "Keith buddy? I heard you yelling just now, are you ok?" Hunk asked through the door. "Yeah I'm fine! You must have imagined it!" Keith responded. "Ok bud. And if you ever need to talk just know I'm here for you!" Hunk said through the door, and walked away. Yeah... I wish....

     As Keith lay in his bed. The alarm went off. Seriously? I just got comfortable! Ugh... After Keith was don't complaining in his head, he got into his suit and got his bayard (idk how to spell it) he headed to the bridge. Surprisingly he was the second one there. Shiro was there first unsurprisingly.

        Then there was Pidge,Hunk, and the Lance. Allura praised Keith and Shiro for being there so quickly, and scolded the others. She proceeded to explain that we need to train more, because we've been slacking. "Although the only person who hasn't been slacking is Keith." Everyone had a shocked expression. "He made it to level 60!" Allura exclaimed excitedly!

           They all had their mouth open, shocked. Keith was blushing a little bit. They all turned to him in his corner and he immediately put on a mask. He made an uninterested face and looked away. "Is that true Keith?" Shiro exclaimed. "Y-yeah..." Keith stuttered.

          The alarm starts going off, startling Keith so much he jumped. Nobody noticed luckily. They quickly rushed into their own lions. One of Zarkons ships has been detected nearby, although it wasn't heading towards them. "Alright everyone" Shiro said over the intercom "were going to infiltrate the base to see what they have. Try not to get into combat. Let's go!"

~~Time skip to when their in the ship~~

Keith P.O.V

I sneak around the corner, barely avoiding the guards. Running to a corner concealed by the shadows a try to calm down. My heart rate was picking up and my breathing was shallow. "Keith? Keith bud you ok?" Lance said through the intercom. I could barely hear him. My breathing was really heavy. My vision was getting fuzzy. I frantically looked around before passing out.

~~time skip to when their back on the ship because I'm a lazy writer sorry~~

<in a dream Keith P.O.V>

No... please... stop please!
HAHAHAHAH you think you can escape? Pitiful

{end of dream}

     I wake up with a gasp. "Guys! He's awake!" I hear Shiro shout. I fall out of the healing pod, into Shiros arms. He lays me down on the bench where he was sitting. I try to sit up because I didn't want to take up all the space on the bench. I pat the seat next to me, signifying I want him to sit down next to me

      "So.... what happened at the galra ship there bud?" Lance suddenly blurts out. I stayed silent, looking at my feet. Deciding to play dumb, I said "I dunno, I just passed out. Don't ask me!" I noticed that I still had my normal clothes on, which means nobody saw the cuts and burns. I was glad.

        "Hey can I head to my room? I'm kinda tired." I said acting exhausted. "Oh uh sure..." Shiro said reluctantly. I tried to stand up but fell down almost immediately. "I can help him!" Lance offered. I didn't have any say in the matter at that point.

         Lance picked me up and carried me bridal style. I blushed and looked away. "You know, you should eat more, you're really light. So light it's kinda concerning." Lance blurted out. "Oh" is all I could say. I mean, I did have a major crush on him.

          Apparently I was really tired, because I fell asleep in Lances arms. Pretty embarrassing if you ask me. Although, did have a dreamless sleep, which I haven't had for a long, long time. I got a full 8 hours of sleep. Though when I woke up, Lance was cuddling me. And I was the little spoon.

       My face lit up like Christmas light. I was red as a tomato. Lance woke up and saw my face and said like the idiot he is "Are you okay? Do you have a fever?" "No Lance" I glanced away from him and fell asleep again.


1009 words
If you made it this far, hey! I'm writing this chapter at 5 am so if probably sucks. But if you made it to here, thank you! I try to update daily! ❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2020 ⏰

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