I am your fan

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After return from my one week holiday in Chiang Rai, my schedule is quite hectic. There is lot of task that I need to finish regarding our trip to Japan before this. Also we need to settle our few projects earlier than expected because we are informed that we will travel to Korea next month.

Yes, we will collaborate with another boy band called KissBoysTH (KB). When our manager informed us about this project on the meeting, I am just thinking, that name is quite familiar but I can't remember where I heard about them. So I just let it be, plus I can't deny the fact that I am a forgetful person.

So today we will have photo shoot together with the KB members. It's for promo video about our collaboration project. I don't know why I feel something weird about today project, I have done a lot of photo shoot before but still I feel something weird about today.

I think maybe because this is first time for me to meet them, yes I don't know anything about this group. I am really busy this few weeks to make any research about KB. But this is a group project, so I am not really worried even I don't know anything about them.

I am going to the photo shoot location together with Joss and Maxx ride on Joss car, others boys ride on our manager car. We are arrive 30 minutes early from the exact time, I don't know which one is members of KB because there is a lot of crew busy with their own work.

We were welcomed by someone that introduced himself as P' Zanook and he inform us that he is one of the KB manager. We were brought to makeup room and then he introduce us to three boys that named Jo, Tonnam and Peak.

They are 3 of 5 members of KB, he inform us that another 2 members is having another event today and the event is started late than estimated time. Both of them will arrive a bit late for photo shoot today, so we will start the photo shoot for Domundi (DMD) part first.

While waiting for our turn to do the photo shoot, I, Park and Joss got time to chatting with the 3 boys of KB. They tell us that all of them are originally an actor and about how all of them are being merged to be a band.

From the conversation I can tell that Tonnam and Peak is quite talkative and funny person while Jo is not really talk much. He is smile a lot but not really joined the conversation. Just waiting to know about another two boys, so far I feel comfortable with them and I have a feeling that we will have a good time with this band in our Korea trip next month.

Then it's my turn and Joss to do the photo shoot, I notice that they said about another two boys already arrived. I only can see them from their back because they are rushing enter the makeup room. But I don't know why I feel like I know one of them, but as usual I can't remember who is he. Also I don't see his full face, so I just let it go.

After settled with all of DMD boys part, we continue with the KB members session. While we are sit and chatting among us, the other two boys coming out from the makeup room, greet us and say sorry because they are late. They also introduce themselves as Mean and Saint.

It Saint...!!!

I don't know for how long I spacing out from the real world because shocked with the fact that Saint Suppapong is standing in front of my eyes. I just realize it when Joss shake my shoulder and I saw that Saint is standing in front of me, offer me his hand with really beautiful smile in his face.

"Hello P', are you okay? By the way I am Saint Suppapong, one of the KB members." He said with a chuckle that sound like a wonderful Music in my ears before added "What is your name P'?"

I still froze in my position don't know what to do and what to say until Joss take my hand to shake with a super soft hand. The touch make me feel goose bump and make me totally loss to say anything to him. I don't know why I really love his soft hand and it make me wonder about how is the feeling to touch his fluffy cheek, it look so soft and bouncy.

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