One Shot

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[New Year, Fresh Start]

Eárendil's POV





Aínztree, Breah, Kinslé and I were gathered in our veranda having a nice discussion while hearing those continuously banging sounds of fireworks, motorcycles and any noisy stuff that they would use for welcoming the year 2020. It's actually 11:30, bet they're really excited. We observe how noisy our surrounding is, well, it only means that to the moment of today, our life is meaningful and realized how beautiful life is, when this dying world of ours becomes alive-at some point, but at the same time it also worsens the state. In a matter of fact, we people are enjoying while the other one is harmed. What a pitiful sight to see and a pitiful realization.

I got startled and was brought back to reality when someone beside me tweaks my arm. I quickly turned around to know who the fvck that person who did such barbaric acts-ohh. It was Breah.

"Awwww" I complaint and then pursed my lips adorably.
Don't me, my cousins and my dear classmates adore me, they say I'm really cute when I do cutie expressions. And I agree 'bout that. Breah just laugh at me, probably knows what's running through my mind.

"And hey gurl, wake your senses up, we'll going to do count downs"

Oh really? Like it's been quite a month since we can't play that, we had such hectic schedules in school.

"Oh, c-count downs? Nice. Okaaay, game" I commented smiling ear to ear. Believe me or not but I love to count down especially when playing this at New Year.

"OHH, GAME GAME" Aínztree retorted with excitement flashed in her eyes.

"I would love to join, G" Kinslé speaks up.

"And what time is it now?" Breah questioned us while giggling.

"Hmm 11:59" we, the three of us unexpectedly answered her in chorus.

"SO, 5"




We counted down precious remaining time, specifically seconds, we have in our year 2019 and together, as the clock made tic tac sounds, we certainly manage to witnessed how the clock carefully closes the last page of a journey but then turn over a new beginning, a new mark, a fresh start the opening of the first page of another book as it slowly turns 11:59 to 12:00. And...

"1! HAPPY NEW YEAR! WE SWEAR AND PROMISE THAT THROUGH THICK AND THIN, UPS OR DOWNS, EUPHORIA AND MELANCHOLY, TOGETHER AS ONE, FAMILY!" We all bawled at the top of our lungs seemingly like crazy who have been lost its mind.

I'm hoping in my mind that our good relationship with each other should bind us more tenderly love, understanding, trust and care that serves as a strength and power as a shield and guide against problems, challenges or trials that might come in our way, I'm also praying that all of these promises and swears sealed with our pinkie fingers should presented and will remain as a proof and great evidence likened to be holding lots of important documentaries and confidential papers.

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