Jc: WHAT'S UP O... 2... EEEEEEEL! Jc here and remember how we had a little drama issue like about i don't know 3 months ago? Yeah.... it's over now! YEEEY! Ok, so this week is drum roll please *rolls his 'r's and pretends to play the drums* Q&A week! And you know who i'm doing it with! *wriggles both his eyebrows* ha? Ha?
Jenn: With me!
Jc: Yes, sadly Jenn... *sigh*
Jenn: Hey! I'm missing Disney for this! YES! I watch disney!
Jc: WHATEVER JENN! First question from Seddie_LUV (A/N comment and vote if you know where "seddie" is from)...... "name one thing you hate about each other?". This is easy! I generally hate Jenn! Nah i'm kidding. I hate her screams! Especially when she randomly comes up behind me and scream in my face and worst of all.... EARS!
Jenn: Hehehehehehehe, that's fun! What i hate about that "thing" over there is when he bangs the door whenever he leaves a room! It's like "Ok, bye Jenn! SLAAAAAAAM!"
Jc: Whatever! Next question is from illuminati69 (smh). Anyway, he..... or she asks "who is better looking?"
Jenn: COMMENT DOWN BELOW THE ANSWER!(A/N, no srsly, do it!) Ok, i wanna read out the next one! Ok, my_anaconda_dont asks "Can your anaconda..... anaconda?" Well let's see.... Jc!
Jc: Yeah Jenn, show 'em your anaconda *whisper shouts* BTDUBS, it means your a$$!
Jenn: Why mine? Is my a$$ just so lucious and booty-licious?!?!
Jc: *blushes madly* WHAT?!?! NO! Hey, why won't we get Kian or Rick-
Jenn: Yeah Jc... no. We will be flagged as nudity and inappropriate! Especially with one of them..... *shivers*. Oh and also, next time.... PLEASE REMEMBER TO CHARGE YOUR CAMERA! MY CAMERA IS AT HOME AND I DON'T THINK ANYONE WILL LET YOU BOR-
BHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! THE CAMERA! BYE AND GOODNIGHT! It's literally 10:35 pm for me right now! Sorry for any mistakes!
Ask #Jcpenny
FanfictionJc and Jenn decide to make a series of Q&As together, so they do. But, it's not like your regular Q&A with them..... it's more romantic..........