How Not to Summon the Devil

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                       The candle lights flickered as the smoke slowly cleared from the room, coughing and trying to wave it from his face as he looked around confused as he wasn't sure what had happened.  After ending the screaming and chanting women, the man stood over a bloody circle that seemed to glow with magic he was all too familiar with and that was when he heard his voice.

"Hello, Dearie~" he looked up to see a pair of yellow snake eyes staring at him from the darkness of the room and for a moment fear had entered him.  This being was not human...

"W-who... are you?" a chuckle was heard as the sight of white fangs appeared when this creature smiled back at him.  His eyes widened behind a pair of glasses at the sight of the being stepped forward to show his form before the man,

"Your worst nightmare~"

                            New Orleans, 1925~

                       A bustling, growing industry at the time, the City of New Orleans was the talk of the century where many could go and have the time of their lives.  From enjoying the workforce, showbiz and listening to the finest talk shows Radio has to offer, one famous being known as Alastor the Radio Host of the Year three years in a row and counting.  He was loved and adored by all, who was this mysterious man who came out of nowhere to shine below the spotlight and gain fame faster than one could say, "That's showbiz!"  A charming dapper man who had ladies swooning over him left and right, men wanting to know his secrets to fame and fortune and well behind the popular man was an even darker secret to his person.  A being who practiced in the voodoo arts, summoning minions and doing blood sacrifices as well as murders.  No, no one knew of his other activities save for a few voodoo witches themselves and due to his activities.  The women wanted to end the Radio Host, one evening while enjoying himself at his friend, Mimzy's bar he had overheard a few spirits whispering of the witch's plans and excusing himself for the night he'd wander into the bayou using his own magic and friends to locate this hiding hole of where they would be.  Alastor had worked far too hard to get where he was just to have some fools end it early for him, oh no, he wasn't going to allow this and as he found the place where they held this odd ritual.  The Dapper Radio Host pulled out his sacrificial dagger and went about ending the women, one by one, their screams filled the air bringing delight to Alastor as he ended their miserable lives while laughing like a maniac himself.

                   Upon entering the ritual room where the main voodoo castor was he saw the bloody circles drawn everywhere as they were attempting to summon something,

"And what do you hags think you're doing?"

"Vile man, you're fate is sealed, a Demon will come for you!  For your soul and there is nothing-" she was cut off as Alastor tossed his blade into her chest and watching her fall to the ground, the magic from her death pulsed through the circles as it zipped through the air making Alastor look around frantically while the magic summoned a being, not from this world.

                        Just another day within Hell, screams of death and torture and the smell of blood and fire heavy in the air, ah, what could be better than this or so the King of Hell had thought when he suddenly felt something restricting his movements.  A Summoning circle reached through his realm for the strongest and most powerful being in all of Hell to chain and pull him through the Ether towards the living world of Earth, the insufferable pain of it made the Devil grit his fangs as he cried out before his Queen of Hell watched him vanish before her eyes.  With the magic that pulled him to the living world, smoke and fire burned bright throughout the ritual room as he stumbled to stand and shaking his head to look around until he caught the sight of a mortal man.  He was covered in blood, holding a dagger and looking towards him with fear creeping upon his being, this made the Devil smile as he slowly stepped forward.

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