Kitani Hayami

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   I can't wait for the new high school! I hope there aren't any psychics, they're really annoying to deal with. I know I am a psychic, but that doesn't change how I think about other psychics. 

   I sit at my chair and look up the school's online website at my computer.

   PK Academy, hmmm... lots of after school activities and clubs, ooh! Volleyball team too! Sounds like a good school. 

   I start to scroll through the school's student and faculty list. 

   Hmm, this guy looks crazy motivated in his picture, Hiro Kineshi. Wait... a psychic! He didn't even try to change his hair? Maybe he's never encountered another psychic, but it's impossible for him to have dismissed the theory that there are other psychics. 

   I start looking through his grades and such using my psychic abilities to "hack" into his information.

   "Ugggggggghhhhh, why?!?" I say in frustration, seeing Saiki Kusuo's average grades.

   This guy's another psychic who tries to be "normal", no psychic could ever reach that point so it is an unreasonable goal. He's obviously changed the world to make them think he's normal, I guess that's why people suddenly started getting crazy hair colors a few years ago. Though his psychic restraints are rudimentary and not hidden at all. I mean, look at those antenna and green glasses! My pink earrings and contacts are much better and would never call attention.

   I turn off my computer and lie on my bed, using telekinesis to unpack my boxes, my bookcase filling with manga and anime posters floating onto my walls.

   It's not that I want to be seen as normal, I just don't want to reveal my powers. This Saiki seems to have not experienced other psychics as I have. Maybe I can stall the drama that comes when one psychic interacts with another... I just have to be more powerful than he is and hide myself from his powers. That's the best I can come up with after 5 schools with other psychics. He will notice he can't read my mind at some point though...

   I use telekinesis to get myself ready for bed, my clothes floating off and being replaced with pajamas. While my thoughts wander I remember to begin guarding them now, just in case Saiki has a large radius with his powers. 

   This better not be like the last school...

In the morning.

   I wake up to the sound of my alarm clock playing my favorite song, Fire by BTS, at 7:00. I hesitantly open my eyes, not that I need to, and blink in the blinding light of the morning, the thoughts of thousands of people filling my mind.

   Another day of school! Can't wait!

   Where's my shoes?

   I wonder if my dad will visit today...

   Time to bless everyone at school with my presence!

   I gotta get ready for work at the office.

   Why can't my sister play with me?

   I need a boyfriend who's feet don't smell like rotten takoyaki.

   I wish I could read Nendou's mind, he's such an inconvenience.

    That was Saiki. Gotta block my mind from him, maybe I should do it while I sleep too... nah, that would be weird. Now I just need to make myself resistant to all psychic abilities, got that. Ugh, I still have to prepare for normal people. What a pain.

   I float to the door, my new uniform floating on, and teleport my breakfast to the table as I sit down. I just moved yesterday into an apartment that only has a kitchen and bedroom, I still hate using my abilities to gain money, and I live alone so I don't need all the extra space. I use clairvoyance while I eat my mocha cereal to look at the layout of PK Academy.

   Gotta make sure I know where I'm going, I hate getting to classes late, especially when it's the wrong class. I've made that mistake too many times when I had, other things to attend to. Being a transfer will draw attention, not that I mind it, it's nice to have people who pay attention to me and listen to what I have to say, but I don't want to make a grand entrance like last time... I'll just get to know a few people and once I feel overwhelmed I'll make them disinterested in me for a little while.

   I brush my light pink hair manually, cause why not, and make sure my pink earrings are firmly attached. Walking out of my apartment I listen to a few of the thoughts around me to avoid meeting my neighbors, I don't want to be late. After leaving the building I make sure to stop for some coffee before making my way to school. I walk into an alley and teleport to a bush I scoped out earlier that's near the school.

   Let's hope this goes well.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2020 ⏰

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