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«Jinyoung-ah, wake up.» A soft voice hit Jinyoung's ears.
He didn't know who was shaking him from his dreams but he really wanted to punch them in the face. He didn't like waking up early in the morning and having a bunch of roommates who shook him and shouted in his ears every day made him want to go back to Korea and forget about traveling around Tokyo.
«Ugh...» His mind was too much asleep to understand what was going on.
«Please, we're going to be late, hyung!» Another voice pleaded. Was it Youngjae?
«We lost him.» Yugyeom sighed. Why was that kid always sighing?
«I swear to God, Jinyoung. I'm climbing on you and you're gonna regret it.» Jackson.
«What? Why are you so noisy?» Jinyoung opened his eyes facing his friends who were looking attentively at him. They were all nicely dressed and seemed very impatient.
«Why are you so lazy?» Mark spat back annoyed, his arms crossed on his chest.
«Okay, I'll get up. Chill your asses.»
With that, Jinyoung rolled his eyes and got out of bed. He opened his suitcase and took a grey sweatshirt, a dark green military jacket, a pair of washed out ripped jeans and his beloved white shoes which were the comfiest to wear for walking all day. He hopped in his clothes and washed himself quickly before stepping out of the suite he shared with Youngjae and Jackson. He saw all of his friends gathered on the blue couches of the common area with their phones out.
«Are you ready, hyung?» Youngjae was the first one to notice him so Jinyoung smiled at him and nodded before approaching all of them.
BamBam e Yugyeom abruptly got up from their seat and greeted their hyung followed by the older two who were enjoying their time together laughing at random things on their phones. They all shared a glance and went to the front door. When they made sure it was closed behind them, they walked to the elevator and got in, even though it was too small for everyone to stay in.
Mark gave the key to the receptionist in the hall of the hotel and followed his friends who were already out under the warm sun of Tokyo. BamBam took out a map and looked at it for a moment before looking at Mark a Jackson through the yellowish lenses of his sunglasses.
«What if we go to the Borderless museum? It'll be super fun!» Suggested the Thai. He only got skeptical looks. «Don't tell me you don't know what's that! I can't believe it! You really are oldies!» But then they all laughed.
«Calm down Mok-Mok. Who do you think we are?» Mark joked.
«Stop calling me that, hyung!» BamBam complained like a kid in the middle of the streets. The oldest shrugged and then nodded.
«Let's go.» Jinyoung said after searching for the shortest way to arrive to that place.

When they arrived, they were greeted by a breathtaking space. It seemed like it didn't have any borders and was an infinite open space without walls. Colorful lights were the only things surrounding them and Jinyoung felt scared for a moment. He felt like he was lost, like he was in an alternative emptiness where the lights blinded him. Without a way out. Then he saw his best friends and realized that it was okay and that made him feel at ease until the end of the tour.
«Hyung! Come take a photo all together!» Yugyeom's cheery voice snapped Jinyoung out of his thoughts and helped him focus on something real.
He ran to his friends and took a lot of pictures. If he could be honest, they took way too many. But he enjoyed their time there.

By the time they were under the natural light of the sun again, it was time to have lunch so Jackson searched for a good but cheap restaurant nearby so that they could feed their hungry stomachs. He found a sushi bar a few meters away from their current position and led the way there. It was their third day in Japan and they hadn't tasted the most famous dish yet.
They walked fast and arrived in five minutes. They took a seat and ordered a lot of sushi asking themselves if it tasted differently there. But they soon found out it was exactly the same they ate back in Seoul. They enjoyed it anyway and got out of the restaurant happy and pleased.
«Can we go shopping? Please~» BamBam pleaded once they stepped out of the sushi bar. There were plenty of shops there so they agreed thinking it wouldn't take too long for the two maknaes of the group to find and buy something nice.
They were so wrong. Jinyoung realized after the second hour of shopping. BamBam and Yugyeom weren't going to stop any time soon.
«You know what? There's a beautiful park around here. We should go there and wait because I can't stand anymore and my back is begging me to stop wasting my energy like this.» Complained Youngjae tiredly at the end. And boy he looked tired.
«You're right. That's just a waste of energy and time so we can just sit there and enjoy the nature while the other two spend their money.» Agreed Jinyoung stretching his limbs to get rid of the stiffness of his muscles and joints.
When Jackson and Mark nodded, they sent a message to the other two boys to inform them they were going to get some rest at the park.

«Jesus, I swear I hate you two. You're like the worst disgrace that can happen to someone. What if we lost the last train to our hotel?» Mark yelled at the two younger boys.
They currently were all seated in the subway to their hotel and the older was lecturing BamBam and Yugyeom that, with their sudden shopping frenzy, made them almost lose the last train to arrive safely to their beds. It didn't even look like Mark. He was always so quiet and he got angry very rarely so seeing him going out of his mind scared the hell out of Jinyoung, Jackson e Youngjae who just stayed there not daring to say a word.
«Sorry hyung! We lost track of the time! We didn't want to be that late!» Yugyeom's voice trembled as if he could burst into tears at any time. His hyung's eyes softened. «We're really sorry!»
«I'll forget about it but—» He was cut off by BamBam's sudden hug.
«Hyung, you should be used to it. These kids are always late!» Exclaimed Jackson with a laugh.
«Said the one who takes twenty minutes just to do their hair.» Jinyoung retorted sarcastically.
«Touché!» Laughed Yugyeom.

When they arrived at the hotel, they took the key from the reception and entered the elevator to arrive to their suite where they split and went to their rooms to change into their pajamas. And because they were all so tired, even the two maknaes who usually made a lot of noise until late at night went to bed immediately, their room falling quiet in a second while Jinyoung got suddenly attacked by Jaebeom's thought. It kept on floating in his mind. And made him unable to get the sleep he wanted and needed.
So he stayed like that, his eyes looking at the ceiling which was just as empty as his brain. The only thing he could think about was the kiss they shared at that damn party and the fact that that guy just played with him. And now that he thought about it, while Jackson's soft snores came to his ears, he had been thinking way too much about it since the party. Since the day that guy, defsoul16, told him he was the only guy Jinyoung didn't want him to be.
«Fuck, Im Jaebeom. Why must it be you? Why you out of all guys?» Jinyoung whispered to himself in the silence of the night while his eyelids got heavier and heavier until they closed and he slipped into a deep slumber.

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