Chapter One

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"Do this for two million. You will get five hundred thousand before and the rest afterward. Don't fuck with me by taking the money and running. You will be in jail so fast you won't know what hit you."

In the quiet city of Carmel-by-the-Sea in California Monterey Peninsula, known for the museums and library of the historic Carmel Mission, their fairy tale cottages and galleries of its village-like center was not ready for what was about to hit them.

Rosalie and her husband, Riccardo Thorpe, was there on summer vacation. He is a well-known businessman. He owned a few restaurants and hotels and he promised his wife that this would be a work-free vacation but being the workaholic that he is he broke that promise.

Riccardo was busy at the house working, going through his emails and etcetera. Rosalie was down at the beach. It was a perfect day for surfing.

Rosalie was busy laying on the sunbed, tanning in the sun. Her surfboard making the shade that her face is hiding behind. A man came and laid down on the sunbed next to her. She didn't notice him till she stood up and grabbed her board.

She went into the ocean and swam with her board. A perfect wave was approaching. She readied herself and when it came she rode it with gracefulness and elegant. The few people on the beach cheered and clapped as they watched her.

Rosalie was starting to feel a cramp in her leg. It happened from time to time. She had broken it in two places a while back. A huge wave was already forming, and she had no choice but to ride it.

Just as she started to ride the wave was there a strong gust that caused her to lose her footing and fell off her board. She came up to catch her breath just as the wave hit her. She was pushed under the water.

The people watched with fear. Looking for a sign. The ocean waves were back to normal sizes. The people watched as her board popped up from the water, but she was nowhere in sight.

They watched as a man run to the water and diving in. He swam to where the board was. He took a breath and dived down and searched for her but couldn't find her. He went up and took his second breath and dived down again.

He swam further and then saw some blood in the water. He swam and saw her body. Her head was bleeding and the cable that ties her foot to the board was stuck in the rocks.

He swam to her and blew air into her mouth. He freed her leg from the cable and took her body in his arm. He swam up and held her body up bridal style. There was a jet ski looking for them. The man waved the jet ski over.

When they reached the beach, her savior didn't waste any time. He placed her on the sand and started performing CPR. The people crowded around the scene in front of them.

Rosalie coughed up the water and opened her eyes. Everything was bright and blurry. "Give her some space." A deep husky voice spoke. Her vision started to clear up. She saw the man that was sitting next to her on the sunbed, was now dripping wet, holding her up and had a worried expression on her face.

"What happened?" She asked confused. "You fell off your board and hit your head on the rocks. Your cable was also stuck between rocks." "Thank you?" "Jax and I are glad that I could help." He said introducing himself. One of the people from the crowd gave her a shirt.

The doctor showed up. The doctor and Jax helped her to her feet. The doctor checked her and pressed the gauss on her wound. "Your head wound need stitches." She nodded her head and went with the doctor.

The doctor carefully stitched her up. He had called her husband. Riccardo was with her. "Now you need to take it easy Mrs. Thorpe." He turned to Riccardo. "Mr. Thorpe, please make sure she gets enough rest and make sure she doesn't overdo it."

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