Chapter Three

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After he had dropped her off did he went home. He went swimming to clear his head. His mind was occupied by thoughts of Rosalie. 'She is a job, nothing more nothing less. You need this money.' He thought to himself.

He was busy drying himself when he got a text. At first, he thought it was Rosalie but he was wrong when he saw the number. He opened the message. 'Time is running out. Do it quick. Tonight, if you can.'

It was past midnight. Jax had been sitting in his car watching Rosalie's house for the past two hours. His fingers drummed against the steering wheel. The gun laid next to him. He glanced at the gun and looked at the house again. He was waiting for the right moment.

He saw Riccardo exiting the house, climbing in his car and driving away. This was the chance he waited for. Jax took a long drag of the cigarette before crushing it, putting his gloves on, grabbing the gun and making his way to the house.

The door was left ajar. Riccardo didn't shut the door properly. Jax quietly pushed the door open and slipped in. The house was pitch black. He quietly and quickly moved through the house.

He went upstairs. He heard a noise behind a door. There were no lights on. He opened the door and saw it was a bedroom. The bed was unmade and things from the vanity table laid shattered on the ground.

He didn't see anyone in the room and turned around to leave when he heard a sniffle and a soft whine. He turned around and looked for the sound. His eyes skimmed the room and found a small figure in the corner.

Her body shook as she cried. She covered her head with her arms and rested her head on her knees. He walked closer and pulled out the gun from the back of his pants. He was only a few steps from her. The gun pointed straight to her head, his finger on the trigger.

Rosalie felt someone in the room with her and looked up and saw a man standing in front of her. She screamed. "Hey, shh it is just me, Jax." The man said and crushed down in front of her. She jumped into his arm hugging him.

"Hey, what is wrong?" Jax asked as he wrapped his arms around her. She shook her head and he picked her up, carried her to the bed and placed her down. He went and switched the light on.

The first thing Jax noticed was Rosalie's split lip and her bloody right eyebrow. Her eyes were red from crying. Jax's blood immediately boiled. "What happened?" She just looked down at the carpet.

Jax went and sat next to her on the bed. He took her face in the palms of his hands. "What happened? Did Riccardo do this? Has he been hitting you?" He asked firmly. "We had an argument." She said softly.

"Tell me what happened." Rosalie took a shaky breath. "Riccardo was upset because he had come home just past ten in the morning but I wasn't home. He was even more upset when he saw you had dropped me off. He didn't see us kissing otherwise it would be worse."

She started playing with her fingers. "He was looking for a fight. He didn't like the dinner I made him and he hasn't touched me in five months. H-he tried to force himself on me but I said no, a-and he got angry. He didn't hit me but threw me on the vanity table and hit my head against it."

"We should go to the police." "We can't. He is the main sponsor of the police station. He has police friends everywhere." "Then come and stay with me or I will come and stay with you. I won't let him come near you." He said looking into her eyes.

"Okay. Can you take me away from here?" "Of course, my angel." He picked her up bridal style and walked out of the house to his car. Somewhere between the house and the car did Rosalie fell asleep.

Jax drove her to his house and placed her on his bed. He kissed her head, covered her, went downstairs and poured him a double shot of scotch. 'What the hell is wrong with me? I just tried to kill her and now I am trying to help and protect her against her abusive husband. How can I have feelings for her? Is that why I didn't pull the trigger?'

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