I Made A Deal To Not Be A Villain With A Romantic Subplot

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        "What in Equestria was that?" Grenadine exclaimed. She and her new acquaintance had finally made it out of earshot of the cave, and Snow had been silent.

"I know, it was odd. We've only just met and I probably should have been more open with my Nana before you properly met her."

The two teenagers continued walking, Grenadine worrying about how dark it had gotten and if her mother would notice she was gone.

"I've been practising dark magic," Was what ultimately broke the sudden silence.

Snow laughed awkwardly in response, unsure of how to react.

"I'm serious. You asked how I was bringing that plant back to life and I said I practise spells, but I didn't specify what kind." Grenadine looked at the light blue Zebra, wondering about his reaction.

"Wow," Snow said in disbelief. He blinked his eyes rapidly and had stopped walking altogether.

"Yeah, I know. My mom doesn't want me to be practising any of this anymore, and you know could guess why. I appreciate you being nice to me when you found me in your forest right outside your home, but I think now I need to get some rest and sleep off that encounter." Grenadine turned away and began to walk home a little faster. There was no point in staying with Snow if he was simply going to gawk at her ability and not offer any conversation.

"No no no, wait!" The Zebra stuttered as he caught up with the Umbrum. He began to time his steps to match hers, his blue mane bouncing as he walked. "I don't think it's weird or anything. I just know you should be careful, so I think I'll enlist myself as your guide through dark magic!"

The two continued to walk, but now they were staring right at each other, the Umbrum tilting her head and squinting her eyes in bewilderment while the Zebra simply smiled. A guide? What would a Zebra know about dark magic other than it's bad?

Grenadine sighed, exasperated at the stallion's attempts to empathize. "Listen, Snow," she began. "I appreciate your offer, but I can handle myself. I destroyed a timberwolf, don't you remember? Though, I'll admit I'm pretty sure that was just pure adrenaline or something..."

"But if you let me help then it wouldn't be reflex! It would be purposeful! I can help train you! I know some spells, conditioning, potions... My Nana never lets me work with this serious of a spell set even though I'm prepared. I can help you! Please!" It seemed as though the stallion wasn't going to let up.

Grenadine huffed.

"Fine. You can help me train."

Snow lit up like a Hearth's Warming Eve Tree.

"On one condition!" The Umbrum mare looked him in the eyes, making sure he was paying attention. "You can't act like you're training me or anything. You let me introduce you to my mom as a close friend, an exchange student, maybe," Grenadine's green eyes flicked back and forth in thought.

"Do I need to enrol in your school or something?" Snow cocked his head to the side, completely serious. This was a once in a lifetime offer; Zebras weren't seen as regular ponies in Equestria no matter how many years had passed. They had always been cast out as witches without horns, or some sort of magic entity that could curse someone without a second thought.

"No, you don't need to enrol in my school. I mean, I won't stop you if you want to, but that's not what I need you to do." Grenadine and Snow began walking again, the small house coming into view. "I just need you to not tell my mom what I'm really doing. That sound good?"

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