Time Waits for None

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Some people believe that significant changes in a person's life can affect one greatly. It can be anything really. But no matter the reason, the person comes out gaining new experiences. Which is great...in most cases. This was not one of them.

You were sitting in the field again, resting your back against the tree waiting for the two to show up. You idly stared up at the sky as you waited, watching the clouds slowly go by. It was a nice sight to see.

"So, you gonna quit hiding or what?" You call out. A few seconds of silence passes before a voice answers.

"Can't hide anything from you, can I?" A writhing mass of shadows appears before you, shifting into that form you were all too familiar with.

"Hello again, my mate~" It growls. You roll your eyes, standing up and brushing off some petals on your clothes.

"What do you want now? Here for another sample?"

"Nothing like that this time, I assure you. Only here to deliver a message." You raise a brow, waiting for it to continue. "Tell me [Name]. How long has it been since you've been here?"

"...About 17 years. Why do you ask?"

"Legosi is getting to that age where he's practically an adult, isn't he?" You narrow your eyes.

"Get to the point."

"Your time with him is running out, [Name]. Soon he'll be an adult, and you'll be nothing more than a memory. The clock is ticking. How will you spend the rest of your time with them I wonder?" It laughs, slipping away into nothingness. You clench your fist. That couldn't be true...

Could it?


Turns out, it was true. Over the next few days, you began to feel off. Nothing big at first, a short round of dizziness, loss of focus at times. Then it got worse. You started fading in and out of consciousness, even during the day when you were normally active in talking to Legosi. You started putting off your nightly talks with the two, telling them you didn't feel like talking that night.

You freaked when you noticed flecks of white float off of your arm.

You hated this. This feeling of not knowing something. What it said continued to bug you for the rest of the night. Legosi didn't catch it, but nothing got past Louis. He confronted you about it shortly after Legosi had left.

"Something's bothering you, [Name]."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Don't play dumb with me, I know something is up." He says. You realize he's not going to budge until you tell him. With a sigh, you look away.

"I don't have much time left, Louis." You hear his breath catch in his throat.


"There's more than one way for someone like me to vanish. Whether its a sever of the bond or something else, eventually I'll be nothing more than a memory to Legosi." Louis shook his head.

"What do you mean? I highly doubt Legosi is one to forget about you."

"Yes, but Legosi is practically an adult now. He doesn't technically need someone like me. As such, I'll eventually be removed from his mind, similar to how your [Name] disappeared." You rolled up part of your sleeve. Louis flinched. Half of your upper arm was flaking off. Much of it was just empty space now. You laughed. "Not a pretty sight, eh?" He swallows, gently reaching out to grab your arm.

"How long?" You shrug.

"Dunno, could be a few weeks, could be tomorrow. Can't really tell with this kind of thing." He nodded solemnly. "Louis, I want you to promise me something." He raises a brow. "Whatever happens, take care of Legosi for me."

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