052. Husband and Wife Task

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Qin Yu ignored the gossips surrounding him. Holographic version had just opened, although the upcoming team battle was the primary concern among the game masters, the players also used these days to familiarize themselves with the various functions and changes, after all the purpose of playing a game was mainly to “have fun”.

Dead Water and his team didn’t really care about dungeon first kills. They had heard that in these two days Copenhagen Dazs had spread his power everywhere, taking first kills for even level forty or fifty dungeons. This made the low level players frustrated and provoked them to complain to the game company about the unfairness of the situation, how uneven their power was if they had to compete with Great Gods.

However the game company merely responded with: “there are people who can achieve it”. In which meant, the players with incompetent strength could only look on in jealousy.

Qin Yu’s stance was not so low as to compete with low level players for dungeon first kills. He disdained doing unchallenging things and members of the masters group built by Dead Water also had the same thought. The rewards for dungeon first kill were mostly common experience and equipment, nothing rare. As for the lapis lazuli they got from defeating Huo Ming a few days ago, they only got it because it was reward for holographic’s first kill.

So Qin Yu felt instead of chasing after dungeon first kills, he would rather stroll around the game, seeing the scenery and doing whatever tasks he wanted to. Who knew, he might stumble into some new harvest, like the land purchase which he inadvertently learned from the Weaving Girl.

Later on, Fire and Ah Jin once again stood in front of the Weaving Girl. As their couple index had now reached more than 520 points, they successfully received the hidden husband and wife task and opened this mysterious journey.

The reason this task had been deemed as “hidden” was indeed because it was rarely discovered by people. Also, in addition to the need for both husband and wife to stand together in front of the Weaving Girl (ordinary husband and wife task had the couple stood in front of Weaving Girl and Cowherd respectively), there was also the necessary condition that both spouses had to have been married for at least five years in the game.

This condition set a hard limit for the players. Even in reality, many couples failed to achieve five years of marriage, not to mention in a game. Even if there were couples who could maintain such a long-lasting relationship in the game, the players in question might have outlast their interest in the game and rarely played anymore.

In the past eight years, Qin Yu had watched players around him come and go. Many of them left because of “love.” His wife ran away with other people; her husband no longer played –the broken hearted spouse(s) then left the game because of these reasons. There was a saying: in the world of games, feelings are always blind–regardless of love, friendship, brotherhood, when the toxicity of these feelings attack you, then it’s the end of the road for your gaming life.

Those who were able to go through the journey from the beginning to the end must really love this game, the type of people who wouldn’t feel bored even if they had to face this lonely road alone. They were either those who never bothered with online dating like Dead Water, or those like Leisure Cloud and Wild Crane who were a couple in real life and simply wanted to spend time together in the game.

So like a sand storm, this requirement alone had screened off almost 99.9% of the players.

Fire and Ah Jin who had been married for eight years was among those really small numbers who actually met the requirements.

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