Part 1

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I always knew that I was different than other people. Other people didn't have a scar on their chest right above their heart. I don't even know how it got there; I've had it ever since I was born. Even the doctors couldn't explain to my mother why her baby had a scar on her heart. They had written it off as a birth defect, but I always thought that it was something more. Then again what did I know, I had no boyfriend, an average job, and even though I had turned eighteen two months ago I still felt like my life hadn't ever really started. I worked at a coffee shop in town, it was ok except that I felt like I was meant for something more. I went to work like I did every night. When I got there my best friend Lacy came rushing up to me. "Hey guess what, there's a new guy at the counter, and he is the finest looking man that I have ever seen" she squealed. She had been my best friend since freshman year of high school. She had always been more popular but never really seemed to want to grow up. Lacy had always been very beautiful. With her big brown eyes she could make any man do whatever she wanted, and her hair was just as brown as her eyes. Her petite figure had always made me a little jealous. I wasn't the prettiest girl in the world but I did have some good attributes my hair was a deep red that was shoulder length, my eyes a crystal blue. Now my body was nothing like Lacy's I had always wanted to have her body she had a d cup while mine was just a b And that had always made me self-conscious. I laughed and replied, "oh really well I can't wait to meet him, when are you guys getting married?" she playfully slapped my arm and replied, "Joke all you like but I always get what I want, and I'm sure he won't be any different." She replied with a smile. "I'm sure your right, but for now we better get to work and maybe you can introduce me to your new husband" I said with a smile. As we walked to the door the light outside flickered, it had been doing that a lot lately. Someone really needed to fix it or something. When we got in there Lacy pointed discreetly to the guy setting at the counter. She was right he was really hot. He had raven black hair and dark brown eyes that almost seemed black. He seemed to be six feet tall but I couldn't tell because he was sitting down. He wore blue jeans with a tight black tee-shirt that his muscles seemed ready to rip out of. I mouthed the word "wow" to Lacy as I walked into the back to put my things away and get ready for my shift. When I clocked in and went to the register Lacy waved me over to her and the new guy. "Isabel this is Maliki, he just moved to our little town." She said with a smile. "Hi," I said holding my hand up in a stupid attempt at a wave. "Hi there it's nice to meet you," he replied his eyes piercing mine. Just then my bosses husband Bobby waved me over. "It was nice to meet you to, I should get back to work though but you're in good hands with Lacy here." I smiled and went over to Bobby, a 38 year old man. He worked in construction so he was very fit for someone his age. "Hey Bobby, what do you need?" I asked. "well I think I'll just get the usual for now I'm waiting for my wife to get of work so we can go to dinner, is she almost done?" he asked. "Yeah I'm sure she is." I replied. Bobby's wife Marini was the owner of the bar. Marini was 35 but still looked 25; I always wondered how she did it. Just then she came out of the back in a black skirt and a white button up shirt. "Wow Marini you look really nice." I said with a smile. "Oh thank you dear, its mine and Bobby's anniversary and we are going out to dinner. I'm sorry to leave you and Lacy here all alone but it doesn't seem that busy and Bobby's been planning this for a while." She said with a sigh. "Don't worry about it, we'll be fine. Have fun." I said and waved as they both walked out the door. Marini was right the rest of the night was pretty slow. The only people that were in the coffee shop where some local college students and of course Maliki. Even though Lacy was pulling out all the stops he didn't seem very interested in her. He would laugh at her coy flirting but I felt his eyes on me the whole night. To say the very least it was a little discomforting. By the time that we closed Maliki was the only one there. When we closed up Lacy and I walked to our cars. A couple of years ago a guy was stalking lacy so she always wanted someone to watch her until she left the parking lot, and today it was my turn. "Thanks Isabel have a good night." she said as she opened her car door. "Don't worry about it you are my best friend, but wait how did it go with that guy?" I replied. She thought for a moment and then sighed, "Well I don't know I honestly tried everything but I don't think he was very interested he seemed to be elsewhere with his thoughts. Like he was paying attention to someone else. Also he kept bringing you up." "That's kind of weird, but hey don't worry you're a great catch there's someone out there for you." I said with a smile. "Yeah I guess you're right." She smiled waved good bye and got into her car. I waved back as she drove away. Just as I was about to get into my car I had a strange feeling that someone was watching me. I looked around but couldn't see anything past the light I was under, which started to flicker. Ok I was really freaked out about now, I took out my keys and unlocked my door. Just when I was about to get into the car someone grabbed my hand. I screamed as I whipped my body around to see my assailant. It was Maliki "hey sorry I just wanted to talk before you left I didn't mean to scare you." He said as I tripped on my heel that I spun around on. With a speed I've never seen he caught me by the waist before I fell on my face. "Oh?" I said questionably. "I was just wondering if you wanted to go out sometime?" he asked still holding on to me. "im sorry" I pulled away from him "I don't think so." He let out a sigh "oh alright, have a goodnight then." "you also" I smiled politely then got in my car. When I looked out the window he was already gone. I wanted to say yes but Lacy would have killed me. We never go after a guy if the other one likes them. It was one of our rules. By the time I got home everyone was already asleep. I creeped up the stairs to my room as quietly as I good and layed in my bed, slowly drifting to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2020 ⏰

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