1. The same thing is important to us

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Mei is sitting down on her side of the double bed reading the last chapter from her novel before going to sleep. It's a quiet Sunday night at the Aihara residence, in fact, the only sound in the room was coming from Yuzu sitting on the floor beside the bed, constantly scribbling on her notebook.

Mei glances over at Yuzu who has a concentrated look on her face going over what seems to be last week's notes. Mei had already prepared for the tests this week and had no doubt she would be ranking at the top, Yuzu however looked conflicted over a certain problem that she couldn't figure out.

She's always had nice handwriting, Mei thought. The often rampant and distracted girl presented neat and organized notes instead of the expected scribbles and drawings. It really is surprising seeing the blonde girl being so diligent over her studies.

Yuzu really is serious about applying to the same university as me, Mei thought, she had been told by the girl beforehand but dismissed it as one of her whims. Looking at her now there's no doubt it's her perseverance that got her 30th on the last exams, even Mei who was trying to stay away had heard it from the members of the student council...is that why you were working so hard when we were apart Yuzu?

I want you to see me as the person closest to you.

I should probably be working harder too maybe I can loosen up her worries.

"Yuzu", Mei calls out.

"Huh?", she turns around despite her concentration a second ago.

"You have to wake up early tomorrow, shouldn't you get some rest?", Mei said feeling particularly lonely on the bed. Looking up at the clock now ticking past 11 pm and Mei worries, Yuzu was up late yesterday too, at this rate she'll be sleep deprived from the first day of the week. Why hadn't she just asked me for help? Maybe I should offe-

Yuzu suddenly gets up from the floor gathering her workbooks. "I want to study a little bit more; you can go to sleep first" she says as she walks to the door making her way towards the living room.

Mei follows Yuzu with her eyes, wanting to ease her lover's tension but with nothing coming out of her mouth she starts to panic looking for words. Yuzu must've seen her fidget out the corner of her eye because she soon turns around and reassures "Sorry Mei, we haven't been going to sleep together lately", seeing Yuzu's apologetic eyes Mei doesn't have it in her to fight "...It's fine"

Yuzu extends her left hand bringing it proudly to her face to show off her ring "I'll get a perfect score on the next test, you just wait!" she winks and leaves the room turning off the lights, "Goodnight Mei"

"...Goodnight", Mei says quietly, suddenly feeling insecure about her part in their relationship when she hears Yuzu close the door. She slowly slides down on her side of the bed, touching her own ring on her finger trying to decipher her feelings.

Next Morning

Mei wakes up early that day with student council duties on her mind, she turns around and finds out the blonde isn't next to her in bed and with a disappointed sigh Mei lifts off her blanket and swiftly gets off the bed and out of their room.

She immediately spots Yuzu asleep on the dining table, she must've exhausted herself and passed out here, how long was she awake for? Mei's thoughts wander on Yuzu as she steps into the bathroom.

After freshening up Mei walks towards the living room, still feeling turmoil over something she can't place a finger on but after seeing her lover's head down on her crossed arms, her glasses still on her face and her workbooks scattered around on the table in front of her, Mei really can't stay mad at her, even more so when she knows Yuzu is doing this to stay close to her. I shouldn't be upset, Mei tells herself escaping into the kitchen and trying to keep her feelings contained.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2020 ⏰

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