; t w e n t y . f i v e

17 0 0

"y/n! You have to follow us back to the company! The company plans to debut you!"

moments later...
y/n's POV
"what? next week?" i yelled. 娜姐 had just broke the news to me that she intended to debut me along with 2 other girls next week as TFgirls.

"are you sure? i basically lost most of my memory and now you plan to debut me? are you kidding me?!" i argued.

"yes y/n, im sure. i'll introduce you to the girls." 娜姐 calmly stated. i sighed and trailed behind her.

"i'll leave you with them to introduce yourselves, dance room in 15." she reminded me as she left me in the huge ballroom with two other strangers.

"hi! i'm gail, and i'm 13! what's your name?" a pretty girl asked me in english. i stared at her blankly, shocked at the fact that she was conversing with me in english.

"i'm... i'm y/n. i'm also 13 this year." i introduced myself, in english as well. i smiled brightly at gail, i had a feeling that we would get along just fine.

"hey, i'm meng yao, and i'm also 13 this year." a tall girl with light brown hair approached us. she was beautiful and had big eyes. i smiled at her and nodded shyly.

with the presence of 2 girls that I had just met, i was feeling uneasy. they were all very pretty and were absolutely gorgeous. i felt a little insecure just standing with them.

i glanced down at my watch and realised that we had less than 5 minutes to get to the dance room. gail grabbed meng yao's and my hands and we ran towards the dance room.

i felt every inch of the campus oddly familiar, it was almost as if i knew where each and every room was. along the way, i explained what had happened to my new friends, they looked at me sympathetically and asked if i was feeling better, voices filled with concern.

we made it to the dance room just in time, i whispered to them that i would explain everything to them later on.

upon entering the room, we had to choose among each other a leader for TFgirls. 3 of us looked at each other skeptically, we barely knew each other and now we had to choose someone who would be representing us.

"how about the oldest of us?" i suggested. the 2 of them agreed. the oldest of us was gail and meng yao and i didn't mind.

we quickly got into position and started practicing for our debut performances.

karry's POV
i am worried about y/n. she was going to debut next week and there hasn't been any improvement in her condition, if there was, she hasn't told me.

i had many other things to worry about too. who was the guy that y/n has been seeing? what relationship do they have between them?

my train of thought were stopped as we had to go for practice at the dance room with the other girls. as i am the leader of TFboys, i was to pair up with the leader of TFgirls, gail. i was really uncomfortable with her but she was bubbly and friendly, but she's nothing compared to y/n.

i stole a few glances at y/n who was paired up with jackson, as both of them were the youngest in both hands. i couldn't help but feel jealous, as i really hoped that i could spend more time with y/n.

time skip to the end of practises....
gail's POV
the 2 girls that i just met are really nice, and i think we can get along just fine. they also gave me the honour to be the leader of TFgirls. during dance practice, i had to pair up with karry. it was super awkward but at least the practice went well.

i headed back to the dorm with meng yao and y/n. y/n shared with us more about her incident.

"wait, so you know all the TFboys members?" meng yao asked.

"yeaa, i guess so?" y/n answered hesitantly. meng yao and i stared at her with envious eyes. we chatted and got to know each other a lot more as we made our way to the dorm. we were all now roommates, sharing an apartment in the company.

i got to learnt that meng yao and y/n were both from singapore while i was from thailand. we could all speak both english and chinese, with the exception of me being able to speak thai.

we settled down and practiced out dance once through before wrapping up our first day together.

meng yao's POV
"knock knock"

someone was knocking on the door after we all had went back to our rooms to rest. i answered the door with gail and y/n trailing behind me.

i threw open the door only to see karry behind the door. i felt my face blush a deep shade of red as he entered our apartment. i mumbles a "hi" to him and he smiled at me, acknowledging my presence.

he made a beeline to y/n, grabbed her hand and went inside her room with her. gail and i looked at each other with curious looks. we shrugged at sat in the living room, talking about what we thought those two were doing, giggling and enjoying ourselves.

"what? how could you!"

sorry for such a short chapter and being inactive. i have started to lose interest in whattpad and tfboys as well 🤧 //i will try to post as much as possible still and thank you for those who are still reading my story!! :))

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