A lil rant

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Sorry to bother u w my life problems, but i hve sum on my mind that i need to talk ab.

On tiktok, whenever there is an overweight tiktoker yall say "Yes queen" or "i love ur confidence" or "beautiful". And i support that.

But whenever there is a slightly skinny tiktoker some people really have the AUDACITY to say "its ok you can breathe" and "someone get her some food" or "stick 🤡"

I have a really high metabolism because of hypothryroidism (its a condition where u lose weight and hair and always feel hot lol) and ive literally been bullied because of my weight.

So basically yall needa stop saying "body positivity" if youre going to bully people about their weight anyways. SKINNY SHAMING IS BODY SHAMING! It hurts.

Yall talking about lizzo and making memes about her weight? Its RUDE because she has feelings too. And then the whole thing about chase's legs. Its ANNOYING. Is no one ever good enough for tiktok? What even is perfect at this point?

And guess who got over it and wants to be a model when she grows up? Me 😌

But still when you're going to say something or comment something, think about how you would react if someone said it to you.

And thats on being confident and body positive for 2020.

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