Cutting Ties

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Todoroki's POV

"It's time for you to grow up and realize that friends make you weak!" Yet another morning that starts with Endeavor's pointless yelling, I sigh "In order to make you strong enough to surpass All Might, you're going to cut all ties with your friends for a month, do you understand?" I stare at him surprised " What?! You can't be serious! You have to be joking!" I watch as he moves closer to me "I said, do you understand?!" " Y-yes father" I felt sick to my stomach as I saw that stupid smirk appear on his face "Good, that's my boy" 'Disgusting', I thought to myself.


I walk up to the school not daring to look anyone in the eyes, until "OI, HALF N' HALF BASTARD, OUT OF MY WAY" I do as he says not wanting an argument before basically having to tell my friends to fuck off. I walk into the school and head to class quickly. As I sit in my seat I think of ways to break the news to everyone 'Hey, my dad wants me to cut ties with you, so fuck off' too impolite 'I really wish I didn't have to do this, but, my father is making me, I'm sorry but we can't be friends anymore' too sappy. GAH! why is this so hard to do?! I think to myself, why must I leave my friends behind?! Why do I have to listen to Endeavor and leave the people that truly care about me?!

I kept thinking to myself until I heard a voice "T-Todoroki-kun, are you o-okay?" Oh God, why must I hurt him?! "T-To-Todoroki-kun d-don't cry! Everything is gonna be fine!" Have I been crying? I hadn't even noticed until now. I wipe my tears and just sit there silently, but then, "Oi, the emotionless freak has feelings! Who knew?" Emotionless freak? Is that all I am to them? I felt the anger, sadness, and confusion coursing through my veins, as he counted to say rude and hurtful things.

Before I knew it, I snapped. "Alright, listen here, Bakubitch, I didn't go through a traumatic childhood just to hear you scream all fucking day, ok?!" I honestly didn't mean any of it, but, just because I have a small crush on him doesn't mean I'm going to suck up to his bullshit. As I look around the room, I notice the whole class was looking in our direction. "Am I the most attractive person in the world all of a sudden?" I say in my 'normal' monotone voice, trying to act as if none of that just happened.

I put my head down hoping that would help. At some point someone must have walked towards my desk because I can hear them speaking to me, telling me to calm down and take deep breaths. I probably wouldn't have gotten annoyed if they didn't keep repeating themselves over and over again. Soon it became too much to bare, "Do you ever stop talking? Your voice is annoying and I'm tired of hearing it. Shut up!" As I look up to see who it was, I realize I fucked up. It was Midoriya. "S-sorry, I'll l-leave you alone." 'Shit, no, I didn't mean it, don't listen to me!' I thought to myself knowing that I don't have the strength to say it out loud. "That wasn't very manly bro." I heard Kirashima say, the rest of the class nodding in agreement. At least I won't have to tell them anymore.

... the remainder of class was silent until the end.

{Lunch Time}

As soon as I heard the lunch bell I ran into the nearest bathroom, I closed the door, making sure it was locked, As soon as I did that I just broke down quietly whispering 'I'm sorry' over and over again, I reached into my backpack and pull out a razor I hadn't used in a while, "Hello good friend, been awhile, how have you been?"  I bring the blade closer to my skin






It went on like this until the bell rang, I quickly cleaned my blood soaked arm before leaving to my next class.

{Time Skip}

The final bell finally struck I decided to stay at the dorms provided not wanting to give Endeavor the satisfaction, I open the door to my dorm and as soon as I do I instantly cry some more not caring if anyone sees me or not.

                                           TO BE CONTINUED...

Ok, so this is my first story on wattpad and I find it very cringy and disappointing, hope you liked it tho...

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