School au

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(Sorry if this isn't accurate with a regular school schedule. I go to a cottage school lol. Also this is an au where you, Sara, Joe, Sou, and Ryoko all go to school together.)

"Hey, y/n wait up!" You turn around to see your best friend Sou Hiyori running after you. He looked like he just ran a marathon. "I thought I told you to wait for me!" He said giving you an exhausted but sad look. "Oh whoops," you said apologetically. "It's fine. Let's just hurry so we're not late for school." "Okay."

*Timeskip brought to you by everyone's fav boy band The Ratssss*

You finish your classes and head to lunch. There you meet up with your other friends Sara, Joe, and Ryoko. You sit down at the table where they've gathered. "Hiya y/n! You're looking pretty energetic today," Joe says with a smile. "Hi! And yeah, I drank some coffee this morning and I think there's still some in my system." Sara looks around like she's looking for something. "Sara are you looking for something," Ryoko asks. "Yeah. Where's Sou? Isn't he normally with you y/n?" Come to think of it, Sara was right. You were thinking he had vanished when all of a sudden you hear "Sorry I'm late."

You look to your left to see the one, the only, Sou standing there with his backpack in hand. "Sou! There you are! Where've you been off to man?" Joe asks. "I had to put something in my locker," Sou replies taking the seat next to me. We all talked for a few minutes before getting up to get some food. The chef, Kai, plops some spaghetti onto our trays and we grab the rest of our food. We head back to the table and Sara starts up the conversation. "Soooo... y/n. Just out of curiosity, who do you have a crush on?" You almost choke on your food when she said that. Ryoko, Joe, and Sou all look very interested to see what your answer is.

Your face starts turning red when you ask, "Do I really have to answer this?" "YES" they all say which startles you a bit. "Give me a second to think about it, jeez..." But you already had your answer from the moment your brain processed her question. But were you going to say it in front of that person? HEck nAw! "C'mon y/n, we promise we won't tell!" Ryoko pleaded. "F-fine," you say giving in. "It's beanie man." "WHATTTTTTTT?!?!?" Joe says, shocked. "YOU MEAN OLIVER?!" "Wha- no. I was talking about Sou-" you say trying to catch yourself. But it was too late. Sou knew. And so did all of your other friends.

They all stared at you with shock on their faces. Well, all except Sou. He was relieved. Ryoko was the first to speak up. "Wow. Okay wasn't expecting that." Your face was so red, it looked like the YouTube logo. You buried your face in your hands hoping this was all a dream. That you didn't actually confess. You then felt someone's hand on your back.

It was Sou's. You sit up and look at him, still a bit red in the face. "To tell you the truth y/n, I like you too!" You smiled at Sou and hug him. Joe looks at us and says "So are you still gonna just be friends, or are you gonna date?" He made a good point. But that's all up to fate :)

Aight thank you so much for reading this. This is my first time writing something like this so cut me some slack if it stinks. If you have any ideas for more, please tell me as I am very desperate. Thank you again! Baiiiiiiiiii

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